Mar 03 2023


Many of you will have heard of Researchfish.  It is an online reporting tool used by funders to collect information on the outcomes of their research.  UKRI (UK Research and Innovation) carries out an exercise collecting research outcomes and outputs from both PIs (Principal Investigators) and Research Council funded PhD students.  This exercise is co-ordinated by Researchfish and has a 6-week window for submission during February and March each year – this year the dates are 6 February – 16 March.

Why is this important?

For UKRI funded PhD students this affects you from your 3rd year and for the 3 years following completion of your studies – you will be sent communications each of these years from UKRI requesting you to upload details on research papers you have presented; exhibitions; publications such as journal articles, reports, and books; partnerships and collaborations; public engagement and policy influences.

While this exercise is not mandatory for PhD students and no sanctions will apply this year (as in 2022 and 2021) , it is strongly encouraged that you do participate and submit details of your research activities.  This optional stance from UKRI may change in future years and sanctions could be imposed on further funding opportunities for non-completion, such as no further grant applications accepted.

What’s in it for me?

There are many benefits to be gained from completing this exercise: Research Councils can demonstrate impact and value to funders, justifying spending to government and attracting more funding for the research community; generate case studies to inform the development of future strategies; and, importantly, it provides a public platform for your research as outcomes are made available for knowledge sharing on UKRI’s  Gateway to Research, as well as the potential to be published on the UKRI website as part of their impact stories series, all giving greater exposure to your work.

How to report

The reporting tool is open all year round, so once you have created your account you can add and edit your outputs as you go.  Collating and adding to your portfolio of research throughout the year will reduce the burden of that once-a-year scramble to remember everything you’ve achieved over the past year – and you’ll probably be surprised how much you’ve accomplished!

If you are in your 3rd year you will have received an email from UKRI in December with a link to your account, or to create an account.  If you have not received an email please check your junk mail folder, if not there then please contact:

Help and guidance 

  • You can find guidance including how to log into and use Researchfish here
  • If you are experiencing any issues using the system, please contact the Researchfish support team by email at
  • Or online via their Live Chat service here. (available 9.00am – 5.00pm Monday to Friday).
  • If you have any questions of a non-technical nature, please contact the team at
  • Or by telephone on +44 (0)1793 444164 (staffed Monday to Thursday 08.30am-5.00pm and Fridays 08.30am-4.30pm.
  • The University’s Research and Innovation Office have a dedicated webpage with lots of useful information and links included: Researchfish.