May 10 2021

Please find below the schedule and details about entering the poster competition. Email to register and see end for details.

 Thursday 10 June 2021

9.30 - 12.30 Enter the online poster competition

(single PowerPoint slide* shown using shared screen, 4 minutes presentation, 4 minutes open discussion). There are 21 slots available, we will add an additional afternoon slot at 14.00 on the same day if there is demand. There are prizes for the best 3 posters: 1st prize £300, 2nd prize £150, 3rd prize £75. There will be a short break mid-session.

Register to present or view.


Friday 11 June 2021

10.00 - 12.00 Workshop: Dis-spelling academic writing myths, Professor Pat Thomson.

Pat will examine some of the most common misconceptions about academic writing and revision including waiting for inspiration, imposter syndrome, writer's block and revising as editing. She will offer some practical strategies as well as reframing writing as learning and routine. 

This workshop would appeal to all, from first year doctoral researchers to those in the throes of working on successive drafts of their thesis.

Pat Thomson is Professor of Education at Nottingham University and has run many workshops on doctoral writing for both doctoral researchers and supervisors.  She runs a blog called Patter on academic writing and research education blog at

She also has a VirtualNotViral Website and twitter account to support PhD researchers during the pandemic @ThomsonPat. In addition, with Barbara Kamler, she has also written three books on different aspects of academic writing and publishing

There will be a cap of 40 participants for this workshop, so apply early.


13.30 - 15.00 Journal Editors panel.

A selection of experienced journal editors who work at Royal Holloway.  You can send in questions about articles and publishing beforehand and ask questions in the session itself.

Members of editors panel Doctoral Conference 2021 13.30-15.00 Friday 11 June   

Chair:  Rosemary Deem, Co-editor, Higher Education (Springer)


AH&SS Schools

ÖJen Parker Starbuck Drama DPA

ÖSarah Ansari History  SoH

ÖJane Davison Accting  SBM

ÖAdam Lerner, Politics and IR, LSS

 Andy Seltzer, Economics, LSS


Science Schools

ÖSimon Blockley Geography LSE

Ö Danielle Schreve LSE


15.30 - 16.15 Virtual end of year social and poster prizes awarded.

Virtual beverage/sandwich/cake consumption. How has the year gone and what kind of conference and events should we be prioritising for 2021-2022?


Register for individual sessions by sending your name and department/School and list of sessions to:

Please specify exactly which sessions you want to attend.

If you are planning to present a poster, please say that in your response.

Supervisors are also welcome to attend the poster presentation and the social.

Deadline for registrations Tuesday 8 June and MS Teams links sent on 9 June

Deadline for registering to present a poster 26 May and posters to be received by 5 June 5pm.


Sent on behalf of Professor Rosemary Deem, Doctoral School Senior Research Fellow


*Poster slide should be Widescreen 16:9. 1 slide only. Some tips for slide design here

Poster ideas:  (please keep to the widescreen 16:9 format)