Nov 13 2020

 #iwill week, is taking place next week from  16-20 November. Each year #iwill week encourages young people to play an active part in their local communities, and this year #iwill are hosting the Power of Youth Festival. This online festival is encouraging young people to learnchallenge and lead in their communities.  


You can find out more about the Power of Youth Festival online and can access a number of free ticketed events such as the online kick off or Social Action Through Creativity.


Here at Royal Holloway we are participating in #iwill week in a number of ways:

-          We are holding a volunteering forum, open for all students who participate in volunteering! This will be a great chance to share your views about volunteering in the local community, or through our programmes. The forum is taking place on Tuesday 17 November at 5pm on Microsoft Teams.

-          Our community partner Raleigh international are holding an introduction session at 3pm on Wednesday 18 November. Raleigh have a range of opportunities in Costa Rica, Nepal and Tanzania, and you can join the introduction thought Microsoft Teams.  

-          Students can make their own #iwill pledge throughout the week, pledging to take part in some sort of volunteering or social action. Have a look at pledges from last year and tag your posts #iwill and #rhvolunteering!

-          You can help to make a difference by donating food at one of the food banks around campus, including at the SU shop and at the International Building. You can find more about the Food Bank project online!


Students can also sign up as a volunteer through our online platform to receive news and updates about volunteering at Royal Holloway every week!