Feb 01 2022

The Brilliant Club's Researcher Development Programme offers  PhD and Early Career Researchers a  meaningful, paid, professional development opportunity.

Our mission is to support less advantaged students to access the most competitive universities and succeed when they get there. We do this by training PhD researchers as tutors to deliver two programmes in non- selective state schools. The Scholars programmes allows researchers to share their subject expertise, delivering an academically challenging supra - curricular course.


Tutors working with us will:

  • Support local pupils from less advantaged backgrounds to access university
  • Join a nationwide community of over 1,000 like-minded researchers making a huge impact on university access
  • Get expert training and real experience to develop their teaching and other transferable skills
  • Earn £500 per placement, plus an additional £100 for designing a new course, and travel expenses
  • Disseminate their research to small groups of school pupils

Find out more and apply.