Nov 05 2021

Just a reminder of upcoming inSTIL sessions in November. You will find all links/details in the timetable, section 2 moodle, and pre-session tasks also. 

  • Wed 10 11-1pm Evaluating your teaching 
  • Mon 22 11-12 Blended learning  
  • Tues 23 2-3 Supporting students with disabilities and additional needs 
  • Thurs 25 1-3 Assessment, marking and feedback 

The next (and final for this academic year) introductory session is Wed 26 January 2022 11am, if anyone still needs to attend.

inSTIL has already received more than 100 new sign ups this year; and there's been lots of positive feedback from participants keen on engaging in this teaching and learning community.

For further details, see, or contact Fiona Prendergast, the Programme Leader.