Feb 25 2021

The below message was emailed out to all Postgraduate Researchers on Wednesday 24 February. 


You may well be wondering how the government’s announcement on Monday about the road map out of lockdown impacts you.   Within the published guidance, universities were asked not to invite students back to campus where courses ‘can reasonably be continued online’, until a further review in mid-April, when further guidance will be given.  What that means for you as a postgraduate researcher is that, for the time being, there is no change to the advice that we have been giving you since the start of this term i.e. where possible, please continue to work from home but, if you have a compelling reason for coming on to campus (e.g. to use labs or study space), the campus remains open for you. 

To keep our campus Covid-secure, we ask those of you coming on to campus to make use of the lateral flow testing on campus to help us to play our part in helping to control the spread of Covid-19.  Social distancing rules still apply and will continue to apply until further notice.

For those of you who teach at Royal Holloway, you may also be interested to read the message which has just gone out to all taught students. 

Further Covid-19 information be found at: