Eligibility criteria for transferring in
How long has the applicant studied already at their previous institution?
If the applicant has completed less than 12 months full time (or equivalent) at their previous institution, it would normally be expected that they start afresh. The exception is if they are following their supervisor to Royal Holloway or there is a pre-exisiting agreement with the other institution (e.g. cohort on NERC studentships).
If the applicant has completed between 12 and 24 months full time (or equivalent) at their previous institution, they are eligible to transfer to Royal Holloway as long as they fulfill the criteria above and have satisfied the College's requirements regarding skills training and upgrade.
If the applicant has completed more than 24 months full time (or equivalent), a suspension of regulations would need to be requested to permit them to transfer in.
See section 4 of the Research Degree regulations for further details
What's the next step?
If you would like a postgraduate research student to transfer to Royal Holloway to complete their research studies here, contact doctoralschool@royalholloway.ac.uk in the first instance.
The Doctoral School will send the applicant an online form to complete, which captures the information that is required to ascertain if the applicant is permitted to transfer in without a suspension of regulations and to calculate their upgrade / submission deadline if they do transfer in.