
Covid-19 resubmission or corrections deadline extensions


Phase 2 of the Covid non-funded extension scheme combines a blanket extension with the opportunity to apply for a further extension if your circumstances require it.


12 week blanket extension

A 12 week blanket deadline extension will be granted automatically to postgraduate researchers:

  • MPhil, PhD or Professional Doctorate candidates who have had their viva by 4 March 2021 and need to complete corrections


  • Masters by Research candidates who, prior to 4 March 2021, have been given corrections to complete


  • any postgraduate research candidate with a resubmission deadline before 31 December 2021

The Doctoral School will be contacting all of you who are eligible by 12 March to confirm your new deadline under this scheme.  


Application for a further extension

We understand that there will be some of you with a deadline this year for whom this 12 weeks does not adequately reflect the extent that the pandemic has impacted on your progress with your corrections, regardless of any mitigating steps you have tried to take.  If you fall into this category, we welcome an application from you for a further extension to your deadline.

Phase 2 Covid-19 deadline extension application form  


Not eligible for a blanket extension?

  • If you are given corrections at your viva after 4 March and are being impacted by Covid-19, please submit a Covid deadline extension application once you have an idea of the extent of the impact.
  • For those of you with a resubmission deadline after December 2021 whose progress has been adversely affected by Covid-19, we invite you to submit a Covid deadline extension application once you are within 12 months of your resubmission deadline. 
  • In either case, please keep an informal log of how you are being affected, so that you have all the details to hand when the time comes for you to apply for the extension.


Still have questions?

Please have a look at the FAQs below but if you are not able to find the answer to your query  there, please do not hesitate to contact the Doctoral School at



Does the 12 week blanket extension mean that I'm not permitted to submit my corrections / resubmit by my original deadline?

No - don’t worry if you are on course to submit by your original deadline and don’t want to be held up; the blanket extension is there to use if you want it but does not prevent you from submitting earlier.

Am I eligible for the 12 week blanket extension scheme even if I successfully applied for an extension under phase 1 of the extension scheme?

Yes - all postgraduate researchers with a current resubmission deadline before 31 December 2021 or who have had their viva before 4 March and have been given corrections to complete are eligible for the blanket non-funded extension, regardless of whether you were granted a deadline extension under phase 1 of the scheme.

I wish to request a further extension due to the impact of Covid-19. What is the application process?

  1. Complete section 1 of the Phase 2 Covid-19 deadline extension application form  
    • The maximum period that can be requested at any one time is 6 months
  2. Forward the completed form to your supervisor for approval;
  3. Your supervisor completes section 2 to confirm their support for the request
  4. Your supervisor forwards the completed form and any available evidence to;
  5. The Doctoral School sends the request to your School Director of PGR Education for approval;
    • All previous extensions granted due to Covid-19 will be taken into consideration when making a decision
    • All evidence submitted and mitigation strategies employed will be considered when making a decision
  6. The Doctoral School informs you and your supervisor of the outcome and your student record is updated accordingly.

Is there an additional fee attached to the extension?

No - there is no fee attached to any extensions granted due to Covid-19.



Contact us

By email:

 Quick link

Phase 2 Covid-19 deadline extension application form 

A to Z of the Doctoral School microsite