The Community Research Hub is a Royal Holloway Volunteering initiative which provides students with the opportunity to develop research-related skills and gain valuable real-world experience, by creating partnerships with charities and other non-profit organisations requiring pro bono research and data analysis.
ACTIVE SURREY (Surrey County Council): Social Return on Investment in Physical Activity
Active Surrey believe that movement matters. It matters to our health, our schools, our communities and our environments. As the Active Partnership for Surrey, they work collaboratively to help everyone in Surrey realise the benefits of a more active way of life. They focus on influencing systems, removing barriers and creating opportunities to get people moving more.
Active Surrey have invested in a number of community COVID response projects aiming to address inactivity amongst communities more likely to suffer ill effects from COVID-19 people from BAME communities, those from lower socio economic groups, disabled people and people with a long term health condition. They have gathered case studies into the impact of these investments (mostly around £2K in value) but are keen to understand some of the wider social impacts of this investment.
If this sounds of interest to you, an online meeting between the partner and any interested students will be set up within the next two or three weeks. Please register your interest on the Volunteering Platform and email the Community Research Hub to be sent the meeting link.