Feb 12 2021

On Wednesday, 17 February an editor from The Conversation will be hosting a bitesize media training session for academics and PhD candidates. The session will take place on Zoom and is designed to help academics feel more confident about promoting their research through external media to reach a worldwide public audience.  If people are unable to attend in February, the next available session after that is on 14 April. Please visit the following link to find out more and book a place.


She also reminds us of how best to involve the PR and Media team in promoting your research or other initiatives, 

  • Get in touch with Sarah and team  at the earliest opportunity to let the know about upcoming research. They can pre-identify and work with you to develop opportunities for PR activity, amplification and media engagement.
    When research is due to be published  they can provide advice on potential news hooks and help to promote research through the relevant media. The PR team joint email address is press@rhul.ac.uk
  • Let them know if you spot something newsworthy or know something interesting is coming up in your field of work. They can help to promote our academics as experts in their field, nd arranging media interview opportunities. There are a wealth of opportunities to get media coverage by responding quickly to the current news agenda and breaking news as well as thinking ahead to anniversaries and key dates in the calendar.
  • Mention ‘Royal Holloway, University of London’ in full in media interviews and when on Twitter, please tag @_RHResearch and @RoyalHolloway.

The media team contact details are:

  • Sarah Ixer-Pitfield, Head of PR and Media  (Mobile 07867 454 969)
  • Samantha Daynes, PR and Media Manager (Mobile 07929 237 747)
  • Georgia Woolford, PR and Media Officer (Mobile 07393 463 815)
  • Joint email address: press@rhul.ac.uk