Jun 09 2022

The Community Research Hub is a Royal Holloway Volunteering initiative which provides students with the opportunity to develop research-related skills and gain valuable real-world experience, by creating partnerships with charities and other non-profit organisations requiring pro bono research and data analysis.

The FutureSense Foundation is a small, UK Registered, international development charity that works with rural communities in Cambodia, India, Nepal, Peru, Tanzania, and Thailand, with the aim of supporting disadvantaged communities in these countries to help them build a better future. The charity would like to engage RHUL volunteers to undertake a research project to understand what schools in the UK are doing from a Climate Action perspective, and how the FutureSense Foundation can both support the schools with their climate initiatives and also get them involved in fundraising for global projects. This project may be of particular interest to students in the following disciplines: Earth Sciences, Geography, Politics, International Relations and Philosophy.

If this sounds of interest to you, an online meeting between the partner and any interested student s will be set up within the next three or four weeks. Please register your interest on the Volunteering Platform and email the Community Research Hub stating your availability to be sent the meeting link.