Nov 05 2020

As you will all be aware, we are going into the second national lockdown today. We know that many of you have been continuing with your research remotely since March but for those of you who are on campus, please be aware that the College is remaining open and is continuing to provide a range of support: 


Space to study

 Campus remains open so you can continue with your laboratory work / continue to use the study space available on campus as before:

·         Find out more about study space currently available on campus

·         Find out more about study hubs available on campus


Services during lockdown

  The following spaces have been designated as study support spaces and will continue to serve food and drink:

o   Café on the Square

o   Crosslands

o   Tommy’s Kitchen

o   Kimiko and Imagine

•  You will be able to sit down indoors in these locations to eat / drink. You can only sit with people from your household. To be served in these outlets, you may be required to show your College card. If you do not show your card you may be refused service.

•  In addition, you will be able to buy food and drinks to take away from all these venues, and from Founder’s Dining Hall and the Van.

•  If you are living in catered accommodation, your meals will continue to be provided in either Founder’s Dining Hall or Kingswood.

•   If you are living in self-catered Halls or in the local community, you are welcome to use all designated study spaces on campus, including the spaces listed above.

•  SU favourites, The Packhorse and Tommy’s Kitchen, will also be offering takeaways to order from Uber Eats. Visit the app or website to place your order.

•  For shopping essentials, the Union Shop is open and is continuing to offer their click and collect service. Find out more on their website.

•   If you need to self-isolate, you can find the full range of our services on the student intranet.

•  All our support services are continuing.  Find out more.

•  All of Hall Life's face-to-face activity will move online from Thursday (5 November), with their virtual events programme increasing.

• All of Royal Holloway Sport’s facilities will be closed and their in-person services, including SU student sports clubs, gym and group exercise classes and Active sessions will be suspended.


Discover the services and support available to you throughout lockdown on the student intranet.



Playing your part in lockdown

 Playing your part in lockdown means:

•  Staying with your household.

•  Only meeting one person outside for exercise.

•  No parties and gatherings on campus or in the community.


The Minister of State for Education has written to all students. Her letter is here. In her letter the Minister states that ‘under the new restrictions, from 5 November, you should stay in your current home. We expect further guidance from the Minister about travel over the Christmas period.  In the meantime, if you are concerned about lockdown or plans for Christmas, please email


Showing your College card

 When on campus, all students and staff are required to carry their College card and show this when requested to do so. You need to use your College card to access academic buildings including the Library, and with the new restrictions in place, may also be required to show it to access other on-campus services such as the catering outlets. If you do not show your College card when asked to do so you may be refused service and / or fined.

 If you have lost your College card and need a replacement or if you are a new student and you have not received your card, you can request one here


Staying safe

Play your part to help keep our community safe:

Hands: Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitiser

Face:    Face coverings must be worn indoors unless you have a reasonable reason not to.. Sunflower lanyards are available in the Davison Building for those unable to wear face coverings.

Space: Maintain social distancing by staying two metres apart wherever possible.