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Worship on campus


We have three places of worship on campus: our Chapel in Founder’s Building, our Muslim Prayer Room in Wetton’s Annexe and our Dharmic Prayer Room in Founder's Building. There are regular services of worship in the Chapel and the Muslim Prayer Room but they can also be used for quiet reflection and prayer. The Chapel is usually open from 8am to 9pm, but please take note of any signs to let you know if it is use for a service, concert or rehearsal. For access to the Dharmic Prayer Room please apply here and please contact our Muslim Chaplain for the Muslim Prayer Room.  We also have a small Multifaith meeting room called 'Breathe' which can be used by our faith groups.

Everyone is welcome at our services and events and the chaplains (Christian & Muslim) are available to see all members of the University.

We encourage faith groups to work together, provide direction and advice for religious societies, and support prayer and worship on campus.

Through a range of services and events, the Chaplaincy seeks to provide a reflective space to every student and staff member, of all faiths and of none.


You can view accessibility information for our College Chapel hereLogo

and for the Muslim Prayer Room (in Wetton's Annexe) here

Chapel Term Card

Click here to see what's going on in the chapel this term.


Contact Us

Please be aware that many of our team work part time and term time only.

Anglican Chaplain
Revd Daniel Walker
Founder's East 158

Tel: 01784 911806 

Roman Catholic Chaplain        Under recruitment

Founder's East 156

Muslim Chaplain (part-time)
Mr Nisar Shaikh
Founder's East 158

Chaplaincy & Weddings Co-ordinator
Jackie Barber
Founder's East 156

Tel: 01784 443950