Diversity Careers Fair Webpage Cover

Diversity Careers Fair


Diversity Careers Fair

At our annual celebration of Diversity and Inclusion in the workplace, we showcase a number of organisations who are all doing great work in areas such as gender and ethnicity, as well as raising awareness of issues such as mental health, disability and neurodiversity. They are able to tell you about the support and initiatives that they offer, as well as the job opportunities that they have available.

**The 2025 fair will take place on Wednesday 12 February**


10,000 Black Interns & 10,000 Able Interns
Home Office - Asylum & Protection Group
Royal Holloway International Money Advice
Surrey Police
Local Government Association
NATS Global
Prestige Network
Proxima Group
Royal Holloway Volunteering
Taylor Bennett Foundation
Wiser Academy


Student Societies and Collectives

This event is run in collaboration with some of our fantastic student societies who are also available for you to chat to on the day. At our 2024 fair, the following were represented:

Feminism Society

First Aid Society

International Society

Neurodivergent Society

LGBTQ+ Society

Women in STEM Society

Women of Colour

What are your values? 

A key part of your journey here at Royal Holloway is understanding what your values are and in turn, what appeals to you in a potential employer when considering the type of company you'd like to work for. Working for an employer that reflects your values can play a crucial part in your personal happiness and success in the workplace.

Frequently Asked Questions

Take a look at the answers to some of our Frequently Asked Questions:

Why should I research employers' diversity & inclusion initiatives?

Finding out more about the employers you are interested in will enable you to:

  • Be more aware of how your career aspirations fit with these employers
  • Be better informed when evaluating your career options.
  • Better understand how these employers embrace diversity and inclusion and what that could mean for you
  • Learn what a successful applicant looks like to these employers
  • Be better informed when exploring your next steps.
  • Understand how they are changing their recruitment processes to make them more inclusive
  • Identify diversity and equality insights for the career of your choosing
  • Be better informed and more likely to succeed when applying

What questions can I ask an employer?

Once you have researched an organisation online, consider asking follow-up questions on the topics such as:

  • Diversity & equality initiatives in place for employees
  • Types of graduate/internship roles on offer
  • Opportunities for career progression
  • Profile of a good candidate for the company/sector
  • How the application process is made fair 
  • How to make an application stand out
  • What to do at university that will help get into the sector
  • Company values

Can I get some general advice on diversity and inclusion in the workplace?

There are also lots of organisations who can help you with specific questions - take a look at our Diversity and Inclusion pages to find out more.

Alternatively, if you need general careers guidance or help with an application, you can book a one-to-one appointment with a Careers Consultant. Find out more.

I'm an international student. Are there opportunities for me?

If you have any specific questions about visas, the International Student Support team may also be able to help you with your questions via email.




 If you are an employer and would like to take part in our Diversity Careers Fair, please email us at employers@rhul.ac.uk for further information and to book.