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Referencing the Use of AI


Citing, Referencing & Acknowledgement Statements

When using AI language models or other AI tools for assistance with writing, research, or analysis, it is important that you disclose and properly reference the use of these tools. This transparency helps maintain academic integrity and ensures that the work is evaluated fairly.

Citing AI Use

By including in-text citations and reference list entries, you acknowledge the use of AI tools in your work, allowing for proper evaluation and attribution.

Additionally, it is essential that you follow any specific guidelines or requirements provided by your institution or course instructors regarding the use and referencing of AI tools in academic work. In addition, you are required to provide an acknowledgment statement.

In-Text Citation: If you have used an AI language model or tool for a specific section or part of your work, you can include an in-text citation like this:

"The following paragraph was generated with the assistance of [AI Tool Name]:"

[AI-generated or AI-assisted content]

You can replace "[AI Tool Name]" with the actual name of the AI language model or tool you used, such as "ChatGPT" or "GPT-3".

Reference List Entry: Additionally, you should include a reference entry for the AI tool(s) you used in the reference list or bibliography section of your work. Here's an example of how you can format this reference:

AI Tool Name. (Year). [Description of the AI tool]. Retrieved from [URL or source information]

For instance, if you used ChatGPT, your reference entry might look like this:

ChatGPT. (2023). Language model for natural language processing tasks. Retrieved from https://chat.openai.com/

For guidance on how to reference generative AI tools in specific referencing styles, visit how to reference a generative AI output onCite Them Right’. To access ‘Cite Them Right’, click ‘Log in’ at the top right side of the webpage and select ‘Log in via your institution’ and choose ‘Royal Holloway’. Then follow the usual login process.

Acknowledgement Statements: Explicit acknowledgment of use of generative AI tools such as Large Language Models like Microsoft Copilot, Google Gemini or ChatGPT or any other media generated through similar tools is required. One of the following two statements should be selected, completed, and appended to the references or somewhere prominent in the submission. Please note that so long as acknowledged use falls within the scope of appropriate use as defined in the assessment brief/guidance then this will not have any direct impact on the grades awarded.

Declarations below are an important reflective step and are considered necessary.

  1. I declare that no part of this submission has been generated by AI software. These are my own words.

Note. Using software for English grammar and spell checking is consistent with Statement 1.


  1. I declare that parts of this submission have contributions from AI software and that it aligns with acceptable use as specified as part of the assignment brief/guidance and is consistent with good academic practice. The content can still be considered as my own words. I understand that as long as my use falls within the scope of appropriate use as defined in the assessment brief/guidance then this declaration will not have any direct impact on the grades awarded.

I acknowledge use of software to [include as appropriate]:

  • (i) Generate ideas or structure suggestions, for assistance with understanding core concepts, or other substantial foundational and preparatory activity.

[insert AI tool(s) and links and/or how used]

  • (ii) Write, rewrite, rephrase and/or paraphrase part of this essay.

[insert AI tool(s) and links]

  • (iii) Generate some other aspect of the submitted assessment.

[insert AI tool(s) and links]/include brief details]

Prompt List: A list of all prompts entered into any large language model must be provided.

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