
2020-21 TRAVEL Award and COLLEGE Prize Winners


2020-21 Travel Award & Prize Winners

The funding has been awarded to a wide variety of projects and pieces of work and all of the 2020-21 awardees have been asked to provide the piece of work or a report on their project for which they received funding. You can find out about these fascinating projects and read their reports by clicking on the students' pictures below and this page will be updated as the projects progress.

Hopefully reading these projects will inspire you to make your own application for the 2021-22 awards. 

Mary MacPherson Essay Prize

The Mary MacPherson Essay Prize is open to undergraduate students from any academic department of the College and is awarded for a piece of journalistic writing of high distinction. The subject of the essay is chosen by the candidate. For more information please read the Mary MacPherson Prize criteria.

Bridget O'Sullivan

The Cancer in K-pop

Elena Monreale

Protesting During the Pandemic: Risking Lives or Saving Them?

Jaimi Morter

Activism in the digital age: the rise of the Performative Activist



Louisa Arnell

The Kalevala: The Story You’ve Heard Time and Time Again (That You’ve Never Heard of)

Olivia Anderson

Incel Terrorism: When Loneliness Becomes Toxic

Renée Lewis

Black British History Is Just As Important As African American History


Max Carey Memorial Prize

The Max Carey Memorial Prize is open to undergraduate students from any academic department of the College and is awarded for work which shows initiative and enterprise. The submission may fall within a student's degree speciality but the prize will not usually be awarded for activities carried out as part of a student's normal academic work. For more information please read the Max Carey Memorial Prize criteria.

Anees Zaman

In Other News

Royal Holloway Travel Award & Santander Travel Award

The Travel Award is available to current students from any discipline and from any level (Undergraduate, Postgraduate Taught or Postgraduate Research). The award shall be used towards travel, whether within the UK or abroad which enhances the student's academic work including travel to conferences. The award is also available to those who wish to travel in order to pursue an extra-curricular or cultural project which has an indirect benefit to their academic work. For more information please read the Royal Holloway Travel Award criteria and the Santander Travel Award criteria


Victoria Hazlitt Memorial Fund

The Victoria Hazlitt Memorial Fund is open to undergraduateand postgraduate students at Royal Holloway undertaking a course of study in the Department of Pyschology. The Fund was set up to make grants for such purposes as payment of fees, travelling expenses, purchase of books, purchase or hire of apparatus. For more information please read the Victoria Hazlitt Memorial Fund criteria.


Una Ellis-Fermor Award

The Una Ellis-Fermor Award is open to postgraduate research students in the field of English, Irish or Scandinavian Drama to assist them in the publication of scholarly work or enable them to undertake travel in support of their research. For more information please read the Una Ellis-Fermor Award criteria.

Edna Purdie Memorial Fund

Students and former students of Royal Holloway College, Bedford College and Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, are eligible to apply to the Fund for assistance with completion and/or publication of scholarly work, dissertation and thesis in Germanic or English Studies or in Comparative Studies where there is a substantial Germanic element. For more information please read the Edna Purdie Memorial Fund criteria.

Constance West Travel Award

The Constance West award is made to a student of Modern Languages for travel expenses or costs of further courses and/or training. For more information please read the Constance West Travel Award criteria.

Helen Cam Award

The Helen Cam Award is given to contribute towards exceptional research expenses (other than normal subsistence) which are not covered by any other grant or award and is open to History graduates of the College, to other History students who are, or have been, registered at the College for a Postgraduate course and to Research Fellows attached to the Department of History. For more information please read the Helen Cam Award criteria.

Peter Marsh Prize

The Peter Marsh Prize is awarded each year to an undergraduate student of the College, who will normally be in the second year of his/her course of study. The award takes the form of a bursary to assist with a field project in ecology or conservation. For more information please read the Peter Marsh Prize criteria.

Irene Marshall Scholarship

The Irene Marshall Scholarship is open to students in the Faculty of Science at Royal Holloway and is to be used to support travel or research in the study of Geography and/or Botany or in the pursuit of a second degree or special degree course. For more information please read the Irene Marshall Scholarship criteria.

Bill Chaloner Memorial Award

The Bill Chaloner Memorial Award is open to undergraduate and postgraduate students of the College, in the Departments of Geography, Biology and Earth Sciences. The Award is available to support young scientists particularly those studying in the areas of botany, paeleobotany, palynoology and global change, including Quarternary studies. The Award can be used to enable students to interact with other scientists across the world. For more information please read the Bill Chaloner Memorial Award criteria.

Ethel Beatrice Abrahams Award

The Ethel Beatrice Abrahams Award is open to a graduate of Royal Holloway to assist in the continuation of research or study in Greek or Classics and can be used for the purchase of books to assist with travel costs.The holder of the award must be a current Postgraduate student registered at Royal Holloway and have been awarded a 1st or 2:1 in Greek or Classics in their undergraduate degree from Royal Holloway. For more information please read the Ethel Beatrice Abrahams Award criteria.

The Mellor Travel Award

The Mellor Travel Award is open to first- or second-year undergraduate students in the Department of Modern Languages and is intended to enable students studying Italian to spend two weeks in Italy to improve their language skills. For more information please read The Mellor Travel Award critieria.