May 30 2019

Royal Holloway’s Students’ Union Summer Ball occurs every year towards the end of our summer term to celebrate the academic year, in both Founder's North and South Quads, Founder's Dining Room and the South side. This year the event will be held on Friday 7 June, from 8pm-6am.

Preparations for this year's event will begin on Sunday 2 June, which means access points into the Quads will be restricted. This includes:

  • All middle green doors that lead out into the Quads will be locked
  • Access into the Quads will be via the middle colonnades until 5pm on Friday 7 June
  • All services within Founder's, including Crosslands, will remain open throughout the week, with the site becoming fully locked down between 5-7pm on Friday 7 June. Please note: Despite Crosslands closing at 5pm, all internal corridors will remain accessible until 7pm
  • All of Founder's external exit doors will remain open throughout the build but from 7pm on Friday 7 June, only two doors will remain accessible – the first door on Founder’s East (the Health Centre entrance) will be manned by event security but residents will be allowed access and the main Founder’s West door (near to the Founder’s Hall Reception and Conference and Catering offices) will remain open at all times to allow resident access
  • On Thursday 6 and Friday 7 June, there will also be some unavoidable noise throughout the day during sound checks.

North and South Quad:

  • Both days intermittent noise from 1-5pm  (building marquees, moving vehicles etc )
  • Thursday - artist sound check from 5-9pm - intermittent but at times the sound will be of a loud volume
  • Friday - artist sound check from 4pm - intermittent but at times the sound will be of a loud volume. Event begins at 8pm.

Car park 12 closures

Car park 12 will be closed to students, colleagues and visitors from 5pm on Friday 7 June until 7am on Saturday 8 June. Colleagues and students will need to ensure that their vehicles are moved out of car park 12 on 7 June by 5pm. Alternative parking can be found on the north campus, across the A30 in car park 14 or the Harvest Road Church car park. 

The Students’ Union apologise in advance for any disruption or inconvenience that the preparation for the event will cause over the coming week