Nov 10 2023

The theme of this year's Disability History Month (16 November - 16 December), is Disability, Children and Youth. Growing up with a disability can be a challenging, isolating and often confusing experience for many. The theme highlights childhood inequalities and advocates for better disability education, rights and inclusivity. Throughout Disability History Month we are reminded to explore the past, the present, and look at what is needed for the future so that ‘all children and young people with long term impairments will not experience the social exclusion of stigma, stereotypes, negative attitudes and socially created barriers in the environment and the way things are organised.’

There will be lots of ways to get involved throughout the month. In the meantime put the following events in your calander and consider contributing to the national exploration 'Disabled and Young in the UK'.

Disability and youth panel

Our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) team are hosting a panel event on Disability and Youth on Wednesday 29 November from 1-2:30pm in Boilerhouse 007 and online

Guest speakers include Nina Tame, Amy Kavanagh, and Pippa Stacey. Nina Tame is a disabled creator and activist who speaks about the need for agency and boundaries for disabled children. Amy Kavanagh is an award-winning disability rights activist and campaigner, and has recently become a mother and believes in the need for greater representation and discussion of disabled parenthood. Amy is committed to celebrating disability, mobility aids and encouraging others to learn about the social model of disability. Pippa Stacey is a disabled writer, speaker, and content creator based in Yorkshire, and has a particular interest in inclusive education and employment for people with Energy Limiting Conditions. For the past three years she has been named in the Disability Power 100 as one of the most influential disabled people in the UK. 

Sign up now - we look forward to seeing you there!

Students' Union events

The Student's Union will be hosting a Disability Services Fair on Wednesday 22 November, between 11am-3pm in the SU Atrium and the Disability Looks Like Me Fashion Show on Friday 1 December, from 6.30-8.30pm in MedicineLearn more.

Contribute to the national exploration 'Disabled and Young in the UK'

The Disability History Month organisation are looking for contributions to add to their 2023 exploration 'Disabled and Young in the UK'.

If you are under the age of 25 and have long-term impairments of body, senses or mind, and feel you are disadvantaged in some way by socially created barriers of attitude, environment and organisation, then they welcome contributions from you on the good, the bad and the changes you would like to see as young disabled people.

The most insightful, interesting and powerful contributions in each category will be celebrated.Entries can be in the form of the written word, art, or performance.

You can find out more and download the application form on their website.