Jun 12 2017

Thank you to everyone who gave their feedback in the recent survey about construction work on campus. We had over 130 responses from students and staff and your feedback will help the estates team identify and apply lessons on how to manage future works.  Mike Berry, Director of Estates, has responded to some of your comments in a video which you can watch here and there is an overview of the resutls here.


What’s new?

Halls refurbish means the pathway by Runnymede 1 is blocked

  • Major refurbishment of Runnymede 1 blocks NPQ and JKLM has started.  This means these Halls and the pathway to the Sports Centre will be blocked off all summer.  The alternative route is via the road between the Halls (as shown on the campus map above).
  • Over the summer refurbishment works will also be carried out in Gower and Wedderburn, Kingswood 1 and 2 as well as Runnymede 2.


Expect travel delays: local roadworks on the A30 and Blakeham Lane from 30 May to 16 June

  • There are various roadworks on the A30 from the 30 May to the 2 June.
  • There will be temporary traffic lights on Blakeham Lane from 5 to 16 June while Thames Valley Water carrying out sewer work on Blakeham Lane between Prune Hill and Cleeve. 
  • These works are not connected to Royal Holloway, more details are available from Surrey County Council here.



What’s continuing?

Construction traffic is now travelling around the west side of Founder’s to get to the Davison Building site

  • As the roadworks move up to the front section Founder’s East construction traffic will enter the Davison Building site from the west side of Founder’s and travel around to the East.


Roadworks on the north end of Founder’s east side until July

  • Roadworks have now started on the north end of the road along Founder’s east. The road is being totally removed and re-laid, where possible the team will use mechanical diggers to reduce the noise impact. 
  • Work on this road is taking place 6 days a week, but any that is likely to create noise disruption won’t start until after 9am on Saturdays.


The access to the Windsor Building is via the path by the ATM

  • The main route to the Windsor building is now via the path between the new Emily Wilding Davison Building and the Windsor Building, this is also an accessible route.
  • The back door out of the Windsor Building is open and can continue to be used as an exit.


Founder’s Visitors’ Centre entrance remains closed until July

  • Use alternative Founder’s east entrances; from the north (from the A30) use the entrance by the medical centre and from the south (from the woodland) use the entrance by the Principal’s corridor.
  • The main night time access to Founder’s will be via the entrance by the medical centre and the accessible entrance will be via the south east corner.


Roadworks continue on the east side of Founder’s until July

  • Between now and early July the road on the east side of Founder’s is being totally removed and re-laid. 
  • Work on this road is taking place 6 days a week, but any that is likely to create noise disruption won’t start until after 9am on Saturdays.


Increased construction traffic to the Science building

  • Each week day there will be up to five large deliveries to the site
  • There will be traffic management teams in place to manage these deliveries and to ensure your safety, please look out for them and follow their guidance.


 What’s coming up?

 Further A30 roadworks expected in the coming weeks and months

  • Roadworks on the A30 / Chestnut Drive junction to complete the final drainage connection to the new George Eliot Halls are expected to start on the 24 July.  During the works, on the A30/Chestnut Drive junction, there will be a single lane closure and two way traffic lights
  • There will be roadworks shortly to create a safe route between the new George Eliot Halls on the north campus and the south campus, with the installation of a new crossing and a bus stop on the A30.   The timings for this work hasn’t yet been confirmed.
  • There will be roadworks on Runnymede Roundabout in the near future by Surrey County Council to improve traffic management and the efficiency of vehicle flows as well as making it easier for pedestrians and cyclists to safely navigate the roundabout.  The timings for this work hasn’t yet been confirmed, more details are available here


What’s been completed?

You can find out what’s been completed on the major estate builds over the spring term here.





Local roadworks

When information is received this update will cover local roadworks that are not connected to our estates works.  More information on all local roadworks are available here.


If you have any questions, please get in touch at: estateplanroyalholloway.ac.uk.


This update is produced in conjunction with our main build contractors, Osborne’s for the Emily Wilding Davison Building and the Science building and Willmott Partnership Homes for the George Eliot Halls.