Dec 13 2016

Learning Gain in Higher Education Project:
Identify your employment skills and get a £5 voucher!
Level 4 (Year 1 Undergraduate) Students Required
How can the skills you’ve developed at university improve your job prospects? Take part in our survey and you will receive a free report showing how university study helps develop attributes such as resilience, positive attitude etc.
What does the study involve?

We would ask you to complete a series of online questionnaires. We will then invite you to complete these questionnaires at the end of Level 4 and the end of Level 5.

You can choose one from the following:
A £5 Tommy’s Bar Voucher
A £5 Union Shop Voucher
Or, a £5 worth ticket to SU* (booked in advance at the SU using a voucher)
*some events might be excluded.

You will receive a report at the end of the project showing you how you have developed over the course of your degree. You could use this for your own development action planning and to help you to respond to questions in an employment interview.
Do the questionnaire here:…/SV_4YfZg8OuMkEjH…

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