Jan 24 2017

We are looking for volunteers to take part in an fMRI experiment, at the MRI unit based at Royal Holloway.

This study is concerned with the ability to recognise faces and voices and how they are processed in the brain. Participants will be presented with visual stimuli (such as faces, scenes, objects), and auditory stimuli (such as voices, natural sounds, noise), while we measure neural activity. You will be asked to pay attention to the stimuli and make responses by pressing buttons. You will also be asked to complete a series of behavioural tasks requiring you to rate face and voice stimuli on various dimensions.

Time required: Participation will involve four parts and will last approximately 6 hours. The first part will involve completing a 15-minute online task asking you to name famous people from their faces and voices. Depending on the results of this task you may or may not fulfill the requirements needed to continue participating in this study. There will be two MRI sessions that will typically take about 2 hours each (in which you will be inside the MRI scanner for about 1 hour and 30 minutes). The fourth and final part will take approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes and will be outside the scanner (we will ask you to complete some behavioural tasks).

When and where: Testing will happen at the MRI scanner at Royal Holloway (Egham). Scanning usually happens on Fridays. We will send more information by e-mail. Compensation: You will receive £75 for participating in all four parts of the study. If you only participate in the initial online task, you will receive £5.

Requirements: You need to: (1) be aged between 18 and 30, (2) be native English speaker, (3) be resident in the UK for a minimum of 10 years (4) be right handed, and (5) be able to remove all metal from your body.

Please contact Maria Tsantani by e-mail (MariaStephanie.Tsantanibrunel.ac.uk) to arrange a day and time to participate. We will need to ask you a number of questions by e-mail or phone to make sure you are eligible to participate. Thank you!

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