

Challenging ourselves and others to make a positive difference in the world


Challenging ourselves and others to make a positive difference in the world.

A team of academics from Royal Holloway were part of a collaborative project with the Science Museum Group and the Scottish Sensory Centre at the University of Edinburgh to co-create new British Sign Language (BSL) terms for scientific vocabulary in an initiative .

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Living our values

We believe that to truly understand our values they must be experienced and acted on across our community. We will be sharing case studies from across our community on how each value is being lived through existing work and projects. 

Living our values - Daring case study

"The Sensational Museum project is a two year AHRC-funded project. It aims to use what we know about disability to change how museums work for everyone. It is daring because it challenges long-established ways of thinking about how best to display objects and tell stories about them. Listen to Prof Hannah Thompson, Professor of French and Critical Disability Studies at Royal Holloway talking about the project and her motivation and hopes for The Sensational Museum.

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