
Major misconduct


Major misconduct is either minor misconduct which is repeated, despite warnings or minor offence procedures, or misconduct judged to be so severe by the Student Disciplinary Officer as to require a review of the student’s registration at the College.

One example of major misconduct which would be judged severe enough by the Student Disciplinary Officer to progress straight to a review of a student’s registration at the College would be being involved in a violent attack on another student which caused significant injury.  In such a case the College would also involve the Police and a student could expect to have their registration reviewed. They would face a termination of their registration but may receive a lesser penalty if there were mitigating circumstances.

The College also takes a very strict line on deliberate fraud – the forging of references, doctor’s letters etc. and serious cases can lead to termination.

If an incident of misconduct is considered severe enough to merit a review of the student's registration with the College, then it will be referred to a Vice Principal for investigation. The Vice Principal will then either refer the matter back, which will initiate the minor misconduct procedures, or will seek the Principal's approval for a hearing to take place.

The hearing panel will consist of a Vice Principal and another senior member of College Staff, and this will be held in accordance with Appendix 7 of the Student Disciplinary Regulations.

The Vice Principal's panel may then impose any of the sanctions as outlined in Section 32 of the Student Disciplinary Regulations.