
Submitting an Academic Appeal


Before Submitting an Appeal:

Please read the relevant regulations and the Academic Appeals Guidance.

You are strongly advised to seek independent advice on the submission of an academic appeal.  Advice can be obtained from the Students’ Union Advice Centre.

Make sure you:

  • Wait for your confirmed results to be released via CampusConnect (if you are appealing the decision of the Board of Examiners) 

  • Submit your appeal using the appropriate form within 15 working days of the decision you are appealing.  If you need more time to obtain evidence, submit your appeal by the deadline and indicate when further evidence will follow, and why you cannot yet provide it. We do not normally allow extensions for submission of appeals.




Quick Links

If you have any queries, please contact the Academic Investigations Team

For support regarding a specific appeal, please contact the Student's Union Advice Centre

Appeal against the Outcome of the Board of Examiners:

For appeals against the outcome of the Board of Examiners, including: 

  • Your progression decision

  • A decision by the Extenuating Circumstances Committee to reject your application

  • The discontinuation of your registration due to academic failure

  • Your exam or other assessment results

  • Your degree classification

Please note that if you are unhappy with a mark for a piece of work, this is a matter of academic judgement and you cannot appeal it.  However, if you think that the marking process has not been completed properly you can appeal on the ground of a procedural irregularity once your mark has been confirmed by the Exam Board (known as the Department Assessment Board).  In the meantime, we recommend that you discuss the position with your Personal Tutor or the Module Convenor. 


Appeal against a penalty applied for academic misconduct

For appeals against a penalty for academic misconduct imposed:

  • By the Academic Misconduct Panel (including under the ‘paper’ process)

  • By the Senior Vice Principal

  • For an examination offence

 Please note that a decision that academic misconduct has occurred is the academic judgement of the Academic Misconduct Panel, and is not subject to challenge or appeal.  Only the penalty can be appealed on the grounds set out in the appeal form. 

For all appeals:

You will need to submit your appeal using the appropriate appeal form, below. You cannot save the form mid-way through completion, and therefore you should ensure that you have access to all the relevant information and/or evidence you require before starting to complete the form.

Once you have:

You can proceed to submitting your appeal by clicking on the relevant link below.


Academic Appeals against all other Decisions:

For all other kinds of appeals, such as appeals against:

  • The discontinuation of your registration through the formal warning procedure

  • The outcome of a request for access arrangements for assessment

  • The decision made by a Fitness to Practise Panel 

You should complete the academic appeals form and submit it (along with any supporting documents) by e-mail to the Academic Investigations Team.

What Happens Next?

Once you have submitted your appeal, a member of the Academic Investigations team will review your form and the evidence you have presented to ensure that all the information has been recieved. You will be notified via email within 5 working days that your appeal has been received for investigation.

We aim to complete appeal investigations within 2 months of receipt, and if we are able to do so sooner, we will of course do so.  We will keep you updated if it is likely to take longer than 2 months.

Important: Whilst your appeal is under consideration, you should assume that the original decision will not change and make any necessary arrangements and decisions (for example regarding resits) on that basis.