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Deferring Your Assessments

Assessments are a big part of your studies and there’s a lot of information that you need to be aware of if you are considering deferring your assessments. It’s your responsibility to make sure you’ve read all the information and to ask us if you’re not sure about anything.

These pages outline the arrangements for students undertaking assessments and receiving their results for the 2019/20 academic year for information on the current academic year please click here.

We want to encourage you to continue your studies until the end of the academic year and hope that the arrangements we are making will ensure that all students can complete their studies, but we know there may be significant challenges in doing so. Therefore, we are providing you with the opportunity to apply for deferral of your Term 3 Alternative Assessments. 

The online deferral form is available at the link in the 'how to defer' section below.

What can I defer?

The deferral process is available for all students to defer the Term 3 Alternative Assessments being offered as a replacement for those that were due to be taken in the formal exam period. By choosing to defer you are confirming you will be deferring all of your Term 3 Alternative Assessments.

It is however, expected that any assessments due at the end of term 2 will be completed. If you are unable to submit these assessments by the revised deadline then you may be able to apply for an extension. Please refer to our Extensions and Extenuating Circumstances Guidance for more information.

When can I defer to?

You can apply to defer your assessments to the summer assessment period in August 2020 or next academic year in April 2021.

If you wish to defer until August 2020 please be aware that although our hope is that we will be able to support students in completing assessments later in the summer, given the ongoing impacts of the pandemic we cannot guarantee that we will be able to run assessments at this time.  If we are unable to provide an assessment period this summer, students deferring to this time will be automatically deferred to April 2021.

What is the impact of deferring?

If you choose to defer your assessments this may mean that you have not completed the minimum amount of modules that you are required to pass before being permitted to progress to the next stage of study. As stated we will try to have assessments later in the summer.  However, if the next available opportunity we can offer you is April 2021, this will mean that you have to return as an assessment only student for one year in order to complete any outstanding assessments.

We would urge you to consider carefully before applying for a deferral, and to talk any such decision through with academic tutors and your family and friends. You can also seek support from the College’s Support and Advisory Services and the Student’s Union.

Will I need to pay fees if I defer and will this impact SLC funding?

Students who defer assessment will remain liable for their full tuition fee liability for the 2019/20 academic year.

If you are deferring your assessment(s) to the next available assessment period, which we hope will be later in the summer, and you continue to full-time study next academic year, then you will be billed tuition fees for your next year of study. You will be able to continue to make a new application for Student Finance funding for next academic year. However, it is important for you to know that given the ongoing impacts of the pandemic we cannot guarantee when the next available assessment opportunity may be and it is possible that this will not be until April 2021

If you defer your assessments to next academic year you will remain liable for this year’s tuition fees in full but will not be charged any further tuition fees next academic year. By deferring your assessments to the next academic year this means that you will not be eligible for funding from Student Finance next academic year. When you return to full-time study following your deferred assessments you will then be able to make a new year’s application for Student Finance funding.

I am a Tier 4 Visa Student how will deferring my assessments affect my visa?

If you are studying at Royal Holloway under a Tier 4 visa and you request to defer your assessments to the next available assessment period, which we hope will be later in the summer your Tier 4 visa sponsorship will continue and nothing will change on your current visa by doing this. However, it is important for you to know that given the ongoing impacts of the pandemic we cannot guarantee when the next available assessment opportunity may be and it is possible that this will not be until April 2021.  Please see below for further information

If you choose to defer your assessments to April 2021, your deferral of assessment will be reported to UK Visa and Immigration (UKVI) and your visa will be cancelled as you will not be in full-time study next academic year. Normally, you would be expected to leave the UK within 60 days of this reporting. However, as the UK and across the world travel is being impacted by the outbreak of Covid-19 we would advise that you look at the webpages for further guidance - The UKVI will be provided with the most recent contact details that we have recorded for you on Campus Connect. For further advice, please contact the International Student Support Office.

How will this impact my Royal Holloway Bursary?

If you choose to defer your assessments to next academic year you will continue to receive bursary payments this academic year but you will not be eligible for funding next academic year. When you return to full-time study following your deferred assessments you will then be reassessed as to whether you are eligible for a bursary as standard.

If you are deferring your assessment(s) to the next available assessment period and continue to full-time study next academic year your bursary payments will not be affected and you will be reassessed for your eligibility as standard for a bursary next academic year. However, it is important for you to know that given the ongoing impacts of the pandemic we cannot guarantee when the next available assessment opportunity may be and it is possible that this will not be until April 2021.

How to defer?

In order to allow you to think this through carefully and in the light of what happens over the next few weeks, you have until Friday 01 May 2020 to make a request to defer your Term 3 Alternative Assessments.

You will be able to apply for deferral by completing the online form. You will not be required to submit any evidence to support your application.

We will contact you within 5 working days of submitting your form to confirm receipt and any next steps.

When is the deadline for me to request deferral of my Term 3 Alternative Assessments?

In order to allow you to think this through carefully and in the light of what happens over the next few weeks, you have until Friday 01 May 2020 to make a request to defer your Term 3 Alternative Assessments.