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Repeating Assessments

If you have been advised on Campus Connect that you need to repeat modules you have failed by attending classes and retaking assessments in the next academic year, please read the information below carefully.


What does it mean if I have to repeat modules?

You are given the opportunity to repeat modules you have failed by attending classes and retaking assessments in the next academic year (2024/25 or 2025/26 depending on the availability of modules - please check with your School to confirm when you will be able to repeat). You cannot progress to your next year of study or complete your degree until you have retaken and passed the necessary modules. Overall marks for repeat attempts will not be capped.

This will be your final attempt.



You will be charged a fee to repeat modules. Repeating students are charged on a pro rata basis according to the number of credits in the modules they are taking which is worked out as: (number of credits taken / full credit load) x applicable full-time fee

 Example: A home student is repeating 3 modules of the BA Economics course in Year 3. Each of the modules is 30 credits so the student is taking 90 credits so the fee owed is:
90 (repeating credits) / 120 (full credit load) x £9,250 (full-time fee) = £6,937.50

You will need to arrange the payment of your repeat fees in order to complete enrolment and to allow you to repeat your modules.

More information about payment of fees is available in the Tuition Fee Operational Guide 2024/25.


Visa Information

International students with a Student Route or Tier 4 Visa are limited to studying in the UK for a maximum of 5 years at undergraduate level. Repeating the year will count as a full year. For further information please visit the International Student Support webpage. If you need any other visa advice please contact


Enrolment for next academic year

Enrolment for the academic year you will be repeating will be available once your School has registered for the modules you will be repeating.  Further details will be sent via your College e-mail address nearer the time. 


Queries and Advice 

If you are unsure whether repeating is the best option for you, please contact your School Helpdesk in the first instance. If appropriate, they will be able to connect you with the appropriate academic to advise you.

If you are unsure about how to register your decision please contact Student Administration.



If you have a question about your results or progression decision, please contact your School Administration team in the first instance. If this does not resolve the issue and you are considering submitting an academic appeal, you should consult the Appeals Webpages for full details on the appeals process. An appeal may only be submitted on certain limited grounds.

The deadline to appeal for Undergraduates is 5pm on Wednesday 24 July 2024.



UG Regulations

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Visa Information