

Convert your documents into accessible formats, including Braille, mp3, e-books and Daisy

RoboBraille is a web and email service capable of converting documents into a range of accessible formats including Braille, mp3, e-books and Daisy. The service can also be used to convert otherwise inaccessible documents such as scanned images and pdf files into more accessible formats.

Convert your documents

Robobraille help and advice

Conditions of use

You can make an accessible copy if:

  • you own the copyright (if it's your own work, for example)
  • if you have permission from the copyright holder
  • if the copyright has expired, or
  • if it's for someone with a print disability.

If you are making a copy for someone with a print disability, you need to agree that:

If you have any questions about copyright, take a look at our copyright advice or email the Open Access team.