7696 Cyber Security Logo Final

Keep your working environment safe


Maintaining a secure digital and phsyical work space in an integral part of keeping your data secure. 

Clean desks

At the end of the working day, put away any files that may contat confidential data in a locked secure space. Your desk should always remain clear of any documents, USBs or hard drives that contain any form of College data, when you are not present at your desk. 

Mobile work

When working remotely or in public, remain vigilant and do not leave your devices and documents unattended. Protect private information by avoiding public WiFi connections and concealing your screen from people around you. 

Removable devices

If working off-site, follow the security requirements for sensitive Colelge information that includes; information about identifiable individuals, student records, grades, HR records, and non-public financial information etc. To protect this information, it is important to keep this data on encrypted devices and ensure their physical safety by locking them away when possible, and never leaving them unattended. 

Secure systems

If you are managing your own devices and computers, ensuring your hardware and software is up to date is critical in ensuring that they remain secure. Hardware and software updates do not only address known operational bugs, but also patch security gaps identified by the vendor or other users.