Dec 10 2020

Last week, the Government published guidance on the return of students for term two. The guidance requires the College to stagger the start of face-to-face teaching to encourage students across the UK to consider varying their travel dates as they return to campus for the start of the new term. This does not affect postgraduate researchers, who are free to return to campus for term two as they normally would.
Term begins on 11 January 2021
Term begins on Monday 11 January for all students and all term two modules will start on this date, as planned. For some students, face-to-face and online teaching and learning support will start from Monday 11 January. For other students, in accordance with government guidance, teaching will be online-only for a short period, before switching to face-to-face and online. As per the Government’s guidance, you may wish to consider your travel plans in light of when face-to-face teaching on your course resumes.
You can find out what week face-to-face teaching resumes for your school below and further details on the schools pages on the 2020/21 Information Hub

For all schools and all students

Term starts on Monday 11 January


Face-to-face teaching starts w/c

School of

11 January

25 January

1 February

Engineering, Physical and Mathematical Sciences (EPMS)

UG and PGT



Life Sciences and Environment (LSE)

UG and PGT



Performing and Digital Arts (PDA)

UG and PGT



Business and Management

First year UG and PGT

Second and third year UG


Law and Social Sciences (LSS)


All other UG and PGT


Humanities (Hum)


All other UG


 Campus is always open

We understand that many of you may choose to come back and study from campus after the New Year, even if your classes are online-only for the first few weeks, and you are welcome to do so. Likewise, students who commute from home will be able to continue to travel to campus anytime to use facilities, to attend face-to-face teaching where it is running, or to study online from a campus location.

Whilst the College is committed to keeping academic services running throughout the term, some catering and social events may be adjusted to reflect the Government restrictions in place at that time. More information will be shared closer to the start of term, as these services have to reflect the current Government Tier restrictions.
As you return to campus, I strongly encourage you to have asymptomatic lateral flow tests so that you can help to minimise the transmission of coronavirus (Covid-19). It is important that even if you test negative for Covid-19, that you continue to play your part by following social distancing and hygiene rules and guidance. If you test positive for Covid-19, we will support you through your self-isolation. Testing will be available on campus from Thursday 7 January. The link to book your test will be available before Christmas on the 2020/21 Information Hub. A reminder about booking your tests will be sent to your College email on Wednesday 6 January, so please look out for it. 
International travel and testing
If you are travelling internationally over the holidays you must ensure that you follow the rules on self-isolation. Click here for the latest advice that will be updated regularly.
Meeting the Government’s requirements to stagger the start of face-to-face teaching and learning support has involved difficult choices. I recognise that some of you may be disappointed, as are we, that we are not able to offer everyone an immediate return to some face-to-face teaching. However, each course has been carefully adapted to ensure that, even when delivered online, you get a high-quality academic experience that helps you succeed in your studies.

Regardless of how your course starts next term, I urge you to participate fully in your studies and, when possible, make the most of the on-campus opportunities: teaching, support services, library and IT resources, and social facilities. Please continue to check the 2020/21 Information Hub for updates, there’s a lot of detail, including FAQs to answer your questions.   

I look forward to seeing you on campus in 2021, and I and my colleagues would like to take this opportunity to wish you every success for term two.

Best wishes,
Professor Paul Layzell