Oct 21 2020

Since the start of term, we have been impressed by how many of you have respected the Coronavirus (Covid-19) government regulations and the guidelines that have been put in place across campus for the safety of all. We understand that the situation is difficult and want to thank you for playing your part in helping to keep the whole community safe. By continuing to do this we can help the national effort in bringing down the number of coronavirus infections.

Despite this however, a small number of incidents have occurred involving a minority of students. The behaviour of those involved in breaking coronavirus regulations and attempting to organise gatherings is unacceptable and fails to meet the high standards being set by the majority of students.

We all have a duty to help keep ourselves, each other safe and the wider community safe, and we have a zero tolerance approach to individuals who break the guidance and laws in relation to Covid-19. Following specific incidents last night (Tuesday 20 October, 2020), an investigation started to identify those involved. This investigation has identified the students concerned and campus restriction orders have been issued to remove the students from campus.

If you have been affected by the events of last night and would like to speak to someone about your concerns – please contact the College’s Student Advisory and Wellbeing team or the Students’ Union Advice Centre.

Dr David Ashton

Deputy Principal (Operations)