Aug 25 2021
The Spine Road will be resurfaced on the week commencing Monday 6 September, which means the road will be predominantly closed for access. Please avoid deliveries as far as is possible during the closure times as access will be very limited and managed through Gardeners Lodge Gate.  Further details can be found below:

Monday 6 September – Moore to Students’ Union: Road closed between 8.30am-4pm. Any deliveries to Founders will be managed through Gardeners Lodge gate.

Tuesday 7 September – Windsor to Boilerhouse: Road closed between 8.30am-6pm. Any deliveries to Founders will be managed through Gardeners Lodge gate.

Wednesday 8 September – Boilerhouse to end of road next to Student’s Union Building: Road closed between 8.30am-6pm. Any deliveries to Founders/Students’ Union Shop will be managed through Gardeners Lodge gate.

Thursday 9 September – Road open, limited access.

Friday 10 September – North West Founders: Road closed between 8.30am-6pm, access via east side only.

Saturday 11 September – Access to Spine Road fully opened.

For any queries, please contact the Estates team via MS Teams.  Thank you for your patience while this work is being completed.