Jul 01 2021

The Santander Black Inclusion Programme offered 3,000 scholarships across the UK for Black and Black Mixed undergraduate students to complete an eight-hour online course provided by Finance Unlocked. Abigail and Ayomikun, pictured left to right, are two of the students who took part; find out more about the programme and their experience below.

1. What is the Santander Black Inclusion Programme?

The Santander Black Inclusion Programme is part of Santander Universities UK’s mission is to support students from diverse backgrounds into university, work and self-employment.

Santander Universities UK joined forces with Finance Unlocked - a learning platform built specifically for financial education - to run a new and exciting learning experience for Black and Black Mixed undergraduate students in the UK.

Participants can enhance their financial skills through videos and access real-life case studies. Once they’ve completed the programme, participants with an average score of 80% or more have the opportunity to win a £1,500 Santander Scholarship. Participants also receive a digital certificate upon completion to celebrate their participation in the programme.

2. Who is it aimed at?

The programme is aimed at Black and Black Mixed undergraduate students in the UK. 3,000 students and recent graduates from all UK universities were randomly selected to take part.

3. When did the programme take place?

The programme required participants to confirm they’re attendance by 19 March 2021. The Finance Unlocked online course was then open from 30 March to 9 May 2021. The course was eight hours long and included videos and access to real-life case studies, followed by online quizzes.

4. How can students get involved?

All students wishing to participate in the programme must apply via the Santander Scholarship Platform.

5. Where can I find out more?

You can find out more about the Santander Black Inclusion programme here, or hear from two of our students who took part in the programme here.