Nov 10 2021

Transgender Day of Remembrance is an international day held on the 20 November to remember trans people whose lives have been lost due to anti-transgender hatred and violence. Trans people face barriers in many aspects of their lives, from bullying at school to poor mental health, discrimination and hate crime.

As a College, we firmly condemn violence or discrimination in any form, including towards gender expression, and we are firmly committed to creating an inclusive and supportive environment where all students and staff are treated with dignity and respect. We are committed to ensuring everyone is treated fairly and to protect students and staff from discrimination and harassment.

A range of activities are being organised to mark Trans Awareness Week in collaboration between our Students' Union's LGBT+ Society, Royal Holloway UCU Equalities, our College Gender Institute, and our LGBT+ Staff Network.

  • To mark the day this year, we will be raising the Transgender flag above Founder's Building on Friday 19 and Saturday 20 November
  • On 15 November, from 5-6pm: Professor Sophie-Grace Chappell will give a talk entitled ‘Gender concepts: Gatekeepers, Engineers, and Welcomers’ on MS Teams, Click here to join the meeting or email to register.
  • On 19 November - A vigil will take place (details to be confirmed).