Oct 01 2021

Surrey Police, alongside our College, are working to help improve safety and reduce potential harm caused by drug use on campus. Completing the drug awareness survey should take between five-ten minutes and is completely anonymous. This means that any responses will not be linked to you or any of your details. If you are concerned about being identified in the survey, leave out any personal and demographic details (such as your name, or names of your friends, ethnicity, gender) in the open questions. The survey is not being used to find out what individuals have done, but to provide an overall picture of people's attitudes towards drugs and drug use.

The results of the survey will be shared with the College and Students’ Union (SU) so that we can have an understanding of the relationship our students have with drugs. We want our students to be safe and therefore it’s important we raise awareness of the dangers associated with drug use and continue to work to prevent drug use and reduce harm.

If you require any help or support with drug related issues, links to local charities and support services will be at the end of the survey. You can also contact our Wellbeing team by emailing supportingyouroyalholloway.ac.uk.