Dec 09 2022

Hopefully, this festive season will be a time filled with good food, good memories and reflection on 2022. We hope you get some much needed rest, and if you're celebrating this season you enjoy the festivities and return refreshed in the new year.

However your year has been, the Wellbeing: Support & Guidance team have three tips you can use to look after your wellbeing during this holiday period:

Rest & Recharge

Before 2023 begins, now is the time to rest and recharge! While you may have some studying to do before you return in January, make sure you block out time for rest and relaxation. Resting physically, mentally and emotionally is key to looking after your wellbeing.

Resting and recharging can look different for everyone. Maybe you do so by preparing delicious food, by watching your favourite films or even carolling to spread some joy in your local community. 

We can be prone to low moods during the winter due to the lack of sunlight. Try to ensure you get adequate time outside in the daylight wherever possible for a natural boost to your wellbeing. If you do find you're feeling a bit low, it can be helpful to speak to someone about it, whether that be a loved one or a professional. Connecting with someone, even in a small way, can be a powerful means to improve your mood.

Plan for the year ahead

At this time of year, it's easy to get carried away with festivities and feel overwhelmed when the new year rolls around.

Rather than making New Year resolutions, why not give the following reflective exercise a go? The exercise provides a guide to help alleviate the pressure a new year can bring and can help you take stock.

Write out:

1.     The things you are grateful for this year.

2.     Any things you regret this year.

3.     What do you hope to achieve next year?

4.     How much time have you dedicated to self-care this year, is it enough moving forward?

Take this time to relax and appreciate yourself, to sit down and figure out what you want from yourself in the new year. A sense of direction may ease the stress.  Remember, it is YOUR plan it's not a set of rules, you can always switch it up if needed down the line.

You could choose to complete the exercise with a loved one or friend. Simply ask each other the questions and actively listen to each other’s thoughts, hopes, and dreams about the year gone by and the year ahead. Try to help each other break down your plans into easy gradual steps.

Immerse yourself in the experience - give social media a rest

Social media and its overuse across society is one of the biggest contributors to mental health issues today. This festive season try reducing your time scrolling and focus on spending time with those around you. Focusing on being present in the moment can help you feel refreshed, recharged and motivated for the year ahead.

Immerse yourself in nature - go for a walk, tune into your senses and notice the nature around you. Or connect in person with people by reading together, singing, laughing, playing games, even arguing together or having those tough conversations if needs be. Moments shared with friends, or loved ones are precious - try to cherish even the mundane moments and see if that impacts your perspective.  

While you can and where it is in your power, aim to make amends, tell people you love them and allow yourself to feel loved too.


Season Greetings from the Wellbeing: Support & Guidance Team!