Apr 26 2023

On Saturday 20 May between 9am-12pm, essential maintenance will be taking place on our campus network. This work will help to keep our University safe and secure, and is the first stage in a series of planned improvements. 

The maintenance work will cause disruption to our usual services and access to University systems. This will include downtime on Moodle, Library e-resources, and the CampusNet network on campus and in residences. If you are in halls of residence, you will not be able to access the internet when using WiFi. Although we expect the downtime to be between 9am-12pm on Saturday 20 May, there may be further disruption during the rest of the weekend. If this occurs, we will keep you updated via social media

If there are any resources – such as revision materials or past exam papers - that you will need over the maintenance weekend, please make sure you save these ahead of Saturday 20 May.  

There are still several resources you will be able to access during the outage. These will be accessible if you are off campus, or using mobile data. We recommend you save these prior to Saturday 20 May: 

General resources 

  • For Campus Connect, go to: lum-prod.ec.royalholloway.ac.uk  

  • For email and OneDrive (Microsoft 365 service), go to: office.com and sign in with your Microsoft 365 ID  

  • To report absence, go to: generalssb-prod.ec.royalholloway.ac.uk/BannerExtensibility/customPage/page/RH_Absence_Student  

  • Fill in an RH Be Heard form: forms.office.com/r/04cQeZFuKW   

  • Visit the Student’s Union site

Study and research resources 

  • For reading lists, go to: rhul.rl.talis.com/index.html  

  • For the British Library's electronic theses service, go to: EThOS - ethos.bl.uk 

  • Visit Senate House Library: london.ac.uk/senate-house-library and the catalogue catalogue.libraries.london.ac.uk/search~S1 

Where to go if you need help 

  • For emergencies on campus: call security on 01784 443888 or 01784 443063 or go to the 24-hour Security service at Founder’s East Reception 

  • To visit the GP Surgery (Clarence Medical): call 01784 443131  

  • Visit Togetherall, a safe community to support your mental health 24/7: togetherall.com/en-gb/  

  • We’re sorry for any inconvenience this causes, and hope that you will not experience much disruption. Thank you for your patience whilst we undertake this work. 

If you have any questions or need any IT support, please get in touch with IT Services