Feb 16 2023

Following our participation in the 2023 Stonewall Workplace Equality Index, our university has been recognised as a top 100 employer by Stonewall in its current list which recognises LGBTQ+ inclusive organisations across the public, private and third sectors in the UK. We have risen 107 places, now ranking at 93rd among all UK participating organisations and have been ranked 13th out of 30 education sector entrants.

Additionally, we achieved a Gold Award, the highest award possible from the Workplace Equality Index. A Gold Award means that, as well as performing well overall, Royal Holloway specifically met a high proportion of Stonewall's criteria for transgender and bisexual inclusion, supporting two of the most marginalised groups within the LGBTQ+ community.

Our Principal, Professor Julie Sanders (she/her) said “We are very pleased to have been recognised by Stonewall as a top 100 employer and to have received the Gold Award. Over the last three years, the university has taken significant strides towards creating an inclusive working environment. I would like to thank our students and staff who worked hard on achieving this result, and whilst this is a great kudos for our university, the recognition is just part of wider efforts on equity and inclusion and our commitment to continuous improvement”

Find out more on our staff intranet EDI pages.