
Sexual Health

Accessing advice, support & healthcare for your sexual health

It's important to take control of your sexual health and the first step towards that is understanding where you can go to seek advice, support and healthcare. The university and Students' Union offer a variety of guidance and support services including through the NHS GP Surgery located on site and there are a range of local services you can also access if this is your preference. 

GP Surgery (Clarence Medical Centre)

To be eligible to register with Clarence Medical Centre (GP Surgery) you must be living in our halls of residence or living in Englefield Green or Egham. Old Windsor and parts of Virginia Water are also eligible addresses.  If you don't meet the location criteria you should instead register with your local GP practice. The NHS website will be able to identify your local practice.

The surgery offer triage appointments with Dr Laura Dickinson who can provide contraceptive advice (including the fitting of contraceptive implants and intrauterine devices), guidance, full sexual health history and screening (including HIV testing and counselling, chlamydia and gonorrhoea testing).

You can pick up a testing kits from Jay's Pharamcy, the SU Advice Centre or the Union Shop.

Wellbeing department 

Sexual health is an important part of your health and wellbeing and it is important to take care of your sexual health and relationship health. If you don’t know where to go or are concerned about anything in relation to a relationship, sex or sexual health please do not be embarrassed, we certainly won’t be and will be able to signpost you to support both internally and externally.  We provide a judgement free space to discuss your circumstances and support needs.

Wellbeing: Support & Guidance:  You can also speak with a member of our approachable Support & Guidance team who triage wellbeing queries and provide non-clinical advice and guidance to students.  Our Wellbeing Advisers will help co-ordinate the right support for you or signpost & refer you to relevant support services.

Wellbeing: Counselling: If you find yourself having difficulties you may find it helpful to speak to one of our professionally trained counsellors. To see a counsellor you will need to register with the service and can then book an appointment.

Students’ Union (Advice Centre)

The Students’ Union provides free STI testing kits and condoms which can be picked up from the waiting room to the Advice Centre (on the first floor of the SU building). You can also collect free STI testing kits from behind the Union Shop sales desk- please pop in to get one. You can also visit their webpages for more information on healthcare and support.

Other guidance and support

Sexual Health Clinics 

For information about the sexual health and contraception services available in Surrey and managed by Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust view their webpages here

The clinics below offer sexual health care including for sexually transmitted infections, HIV testing and contraception.

Pharmacies offering sexual health services 

Jays Pharmacy:  

Jays Pharmacy, High Street, Egham, TW20 9HN: located 0.9 miles away from campus

Jays Pharmacy, Pooley Green, Egham, TW20 8SA: 1.5 miles from campus.

  • Provides Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea test kits free of charge by the NHS for 13-25 year olds - there is no need to arrange an appointment or call head to collect these. If this test is positive they also provide antibiotic treatment free of change.
  • Morning After Pill - If you need emergency contraception it is available quickly and discretely following consultation and is free of charge for up to 25 year olds.  
  • Drop in confidential sexual health advice.

Additionally you can explore alternative local pharmacies near you via Safe Sex Berkshire: please enter your postcode to personalise results.


Contraception - Sexwise: this service provides honest advice about contraception, pregnancy, STI’s and pleasure.

Additionally please book in to speak with your GP to access other options available on prescription.

Freedoms shop: Provides sexual health products, STI tests and advice at a very low price as part of the NHS. These products are ordered online and arrive to your door in discreet packaging.

Location: online, accessible everywhere

Condom Distribution Scheme (C-Card): Free and confidential condom and contraceptive service distribution network for young people aged 13-24 years old in Surrey via a C-Card. Runnymede is most local to our campus.


Emergency contraception: This is available in most pharmacies. Jays Pharmacy located in Egham can provide this free of charge to you following a discreet consultation. Please see the directory link above to seek a local service and further information from the NHS

PrEP and PEP

PrEP also known as Pre-exposure Prophylaxis is available for some people who are at high risk of HIV infection and is available as a tablet to be taken before you have sex and are exposed to HIV- this is available via sexual health clinics in your area (linked above).  To find out further information on what this is, please see the Terrence Higgins Trust.

PEP also known as Post-exposure prophylaxis may stop you developing an HIV infection if you have been exposed to the virus, this is available via sexual health clinics in your area (linked above) and additionally though a HIV clinic or A&E. Please see the NHS webpage for further information.


Sexual Harm Support 

SARC Solace Centre: Offers free support and practical help to anyone in Surrey who has experienced sexual harm, sexual violence or sexual abuse. This service is entirely confidential and you do not have to give any personal information to get help. If you would like to speak to someone they are available 24/7 and are contactable via: 0300 180 3038. Via the website you can also send a message. Support is confidential and they may also refer or offer links to other support services that may be appropriate.

RASASC (Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre): This organisation has Independent Sexual Violence Advisors who can offer further support and advice around accessing healthcare, explaining your options, providing information on the legal process to allow you to make an informed decision about reporting and more. You can request support.

RH BeHeard: This is currently an internal, anonymous or named reporting system if you have experienced an incident of sexual harassment or assault (amongst other forms of harassment, assault or discrimination). 


Consent is the agreement to participate in any sexual activity and is required for all sexual activity both in and outside of relationships.  Non-consensual sex is against the law.  If you choose to be sexually active please ensure all relationships are consensual and understand that every person has the right to say no at any time.  Also be aware that many people chose not to engage in sexual activity and you must respect their choice.

Consent involves asking every time. If someone has consented before it does not automatically mean they want to have sex with you again, regardless of whether you are in a relationship with that person.

If people are in situations where they are unable to give their consent, for example if they are sleeping, unconscious or intoxicated any sexual activity with that person could be deemed as sexual assault as the other person is unable to give their consent.


 Frequently asked questions and concerns 

I have symptoms I am embarrassed about and don’t want to be judged at the clinic?

It can be daunting booking and attending a medical appointment but try to remember that your Health Care Provider is experienced and professional and will be able to help you resolve these issues. Please remember these services are confidential.

I have been unable to attend lectures because I have attended a sexual health clinic and I’m not sure what to do?

Whilst it would be best to have this appointment outside of your scheduled lessons, it is not always possible. Please ensure that you file a notification of absence explaining this was a medical appointment.

I'm pregnant and am unsure what to do 

No matter what you decide there is support within our University for you.

I you haven’t already seen a GP, please do- they will help you to consider your options going forward. If you decide you would like to proceed with your pregnancy, please do contact our Wellbeing Advisers who will be able to provide support and information on what happens next to ensure you are supported through this time. 




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