
Coronavirus: update on campus facilities


Please note the information on this page is correct up to the end of July 2020. For all updates for the acadmic year 2020/21 please visit the 2020/21 information hub. 




Due to the current situation regarding coronavirus, there have been a number of changes to our campus facilities. Find out how this might affect you below.

Campus catering

From Friday 12 June, The Hub and Kingswood are now closed as the summer term has ended. 

Union Shop

The Union Shop will remain open from 8am-6pm, with tighter social distancing rules in place. If you use the shop, in accordance with the government’s guidance, please minimise the number of trips that you make in a day. Find out more about the Union Shop.

Sport Centre 

Following the UK government’s guidance on Friday 20 March, Royal Holloway Sport have closed all of their facilities and suspended all of their services.  Read more.

Students' Union

The Students' Union is closed until further notice. This includes the helpdesk and advice centre however, you will be able to book a virtual appointment with the advice centre team, and can contact the help desk at The Union Shop will remain open, with tighter social distancing rules in place. Find out more about the Union Shop and what places are affected.

Careers Service

The Careers Service in the Davison Building is currently closed for any face-to-face queries. The Careers team are continuing to deliver a range of services for students online, including appointments, workshops and events, as well as continuing to promote vacancies, volunteering opportunities and other careers resources. Keep an eye on the intranet for more information.


Student Advisory & Wellbeing is currently closed for face-to-face appointments. They are continuing to provide the delivery of their support services online to meet the needs of students. This means they have transferred to remote, digital services with an offering of 1-2-1 engagement primarily through MS Teams, Skype or email. Find out more. 

Visitors' Centre

The Visitors' Centre is now closed until further notice. Alternative assistance will be at the Founders west reception FW40.


For personalised advice on academic writing, maths and numeracy, visit CeDAS Online. Their virtual 1:1 sessions will now be available until 8 April. 

Student services centre

The Student Services Centre is closed for any face-to-face queries, but are still operating a telephone service and will continue to respond to emails. They have revised their opening hours and are now only operating from 9am-5pm.


From Monday 20 July, the Library will be launching a ‘click and collect service’ to enable students and staff to borrow available print items and DVDs from the Library. You will be able to request items online via LibrarySearch and then collect them on-campus from the Library. Find out more about this service on here and the Library’s service update page.

Worship on campus 

Following the government's announcement on 23 March, the Chapel is now closed.

Davison Building

Following the government's announcement on 23 March, the Davison Building is now closed. 

The Union Shop will remain open, with tighter social distancing rules in place, but all other services based within the building, such as Student Services Centre and careers and employability, can still be accessed online.

Find out more about the Union Shop.

Herringham Room

Following the government's announcement on 23 March, the Herringham Room is now closed until further notice.

Printers across campus

Due to the latest government measures, announced on 23 March, all printing facilities on campus are currently not available. 

Back gate

Due to the measures put in place by the UK government on Monday 23 March, as a College we have decided to permanently close the back gate whilst these measures are in place to support staying at home and social distancing. The piggery gate on the A30 remains open, as does the Union Shop on campus.  


All launderettes will continue to be available as usual; however, appropriate distancing must be respected and no more than two people in the room at any one time.