Feb 05 2021

We are grateful for the vast majority of students currently living on campus who are following the current legislation; but students who are behaving irresponsibly make life difficult and uncomfortable for others, and as a College we must do everything we can to help everyone to feel safe on campus. To ensure the safety of yourself and others, it's extremely important to continue to follow the current government guidelines and national lockdown restrictions

As a reminder, when there is a breach of the national legislation, then the College will impose a financial penalty on students as follows:

First offence -                      £50

Second offence -                £100

Third offence -                    £200

There have been recent incidents involving harassment towards members of our Security team when enforcing guidelines in relation to household mixing. As a College we do not tolerate any form of this behaviour. Therefore when there is a breach of national legislation and a member of staff is treated in this manner, the above financial penalties will be imposed and the incident will be classed as major misconduct.