Sep 26 2023

This coming October, we’re acknowledging Cyber Security Awareness Month by sharing information on staying safe and secure online. We’ve all heard of ‘cyber security’, but what does this really mean? We all have a part to play to keep our University safe; read our tips below to find out what it means to be ‘cyber secure’. 

  • Perfecting your password. A good start to cyber security is making sure you have strong passwords that protect your online accounts. Visit our password pages for guidance on creating strong passwords.  

  • Know the threats. From malware to phishing, there are a number of different threats to be wary of. Our page on ‘Cyber security– explained’ tells you everything you need to know.  

  • Report all incidents. Whether you lose your laptop, or receive an email that doesn’t look quite right, you should let IT Services know. You can contact our service desk on If you feel you might have received a phishing attempt, you should always report this. You’ll see a ‘report message’ button in the top right of your email. Clicking this will send a copy of the suspected email to IT’s phishing mailbox, as well as sending it to Microsoft for analysis. If you then want to ask a question or aren’t sure about anything, you can email the Service Desk to let us know. 

  • Install software updates. Cyber criminals can use weaknesses in software to attack your devices – software updates are built to fix weaknesses, so installing them is important when prompted - on both personal and University devices. 

  • Keep your devices safe. Always remember to password protect and lock your laptop, phone and other devices, as well as using antivirus software to protect against cyber threats. 


Highlighted above, our Cyber security pages have plenty of information to get started with. If you’re looking for more, why not try an interactive game, to test your knowledge? Here are a couple to take a look at: 


Keep an eye on our Twitter page, student newsletter and intranet pages for more cyber awareness information throughout October.