
Discontinuation of registration


If after two formal warnings you have not shown sufficient improvement, your School may recommend that your registration be discontinued on academic grounds (unless you give them sufficient evidence of extenuating circumstances).

Also, if you have received a formal warning during your studies and fail to progress to the next stage of your taught programme or qualify for the award, the School Progression and Awards Board may recommend that your registration be discontinued without offering an opportunity to resit or repeat.

Student Administration, your Head(s) of School or their nominee will write to you explaining their decision and grounds for it. They will present the case to the Senior Vice Principal (Education) or nominee who will make a final decision based on the particular circumstances.  

If the Senior Vice Principal (Education) or nominee determines that your registration should be discontinued, the Director of Academic Services or their nominee will write to you to confirm this decision and the reasons for it. They will tell you that you have the right to appeal against this decision, the date by which the appeal must be submitted, and direct you to the relevant appeals procedure in the Academic Regulations which apply to your programme of study.