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Release of Results



The information below relates to students in 2023/24



Non-Finalist Undergraduates

When will I find out if I have passed or failed my first year?

Undergraduate students results will be published on 3 July 2024. through Campus Connect. See below - How can I view my results?


How can I view my results?

 Your results will be available via Campus Connect. Detailed instructions are emailed to all students the day before results are released.

  A step-by-step guide to viewing your results can be found here.

What do my results mean?

The overall outcome for the year indicates whether or not you can progress to the next year of study.  If you are currently not able to progress you may be given the option to complete retakes in the modules you failed. For further information please see Retaking Assessments

For your module marks each grade displayed is the final overall percentage that you’ve achieved for each module, this includes all exams or alternative assessments, coursework and practical assignments.  Usually the grade will just be the percentage, but in some cases there may be a letter code in addition to, or in place of, the percentage mark:


Allowed – This is a Pass without a mark attached. It is used when you satisfied the examiners in the module, but either the assessment or marking could not be completed.


Completed – Used for certain modules which are not formally assessed to indicate that you attended and completed the module successfully.


Used for certain modules which are only assessed as Pass/Fail to indicate that you did not complete the module.


First Sit for Repeat / Resit – A mark has been determined but you are being given further attempt at the module because the original or the second attempt was not successfully completed due to Extenuating Circumstances.


First Sit - A mark has been determined but you are being given a second ‘first attempt’ at the module  because the original attempt was not successfully completed due to Extenuating Circumstances. The mark for this further attempt will not be capped.


Used for certain modules which are only assessed as Pass/Fail to indicate that you completed the module successfully.


A mark is not yet available


No Show - Used for certain modules which are not formally assessed to indicate that you did not attend and complete the module.

You cannot view individual essay or exam results on Campus Connect. If you’d like a further breakdown of your results or feedback please contact your School.

How do I work out my Year Average?

Your year average will be calculated as a weighted average of your module marks, weighted according to the credit value of the module e.g. a 30 credit course is worth twice a 15 credit module.

Finalist Undergraduates

When will I get my results?

Undergraduate students results will be published on 3 July 2024 through Campus Connect. See below - How can I view my results?

How can I view my results?

Your results will be available via Campus Connect. Detailed instructions are emailed to all students the day before results are released.

A step-by-step guide to viewing your results can be found here

What do my results mean?

The overall outcome for the year indicates whether or not you have been awarded your degree. If you have not currently been awarded you may be given the option to complete retakes in the courses you failed. For further information please see Retaking Assessments

If you have been awarded, your award information will include your degree classification and confirmation of the degree you have been awarded. Please note this will not include the final average percentage for your degree.

For your module marks each grade displayed is the final overall percentage that you’ve achieved for each module, this includes all exams or alternative assessments, coursework and practical assignments.  Usually the grade will just be the percentage, but in some cases there may be a letter code in addition to, or in place of, the percentage mark:


Allowed – This is a Pass without a mark attached. It is used when you satisfied the examiners in the module, but either the assessment or marking could not be completed.


Completed – Used for certain modules which are not formally assessed to indicate that you attended and completed the module successfully.


Used for certain modules which are only assessed as Pass/Fail to indicate that you did not complete the module.


First Sit for Repeat / Resit – A mark has been determined but you are being given further attempt at the module because the original or the second attempt was not successfully completed due to Extenuating Circumstances.


First Sit - A mark has been determined but you are being given a second ‘first attempt’ at the module  because the original attempt was not successfully completed due to Extenuating Circumstances. The mark for this further attempt will not be capped.


Used for certain modules which are only assessed as Pass/Fail to indicate that you completed the module successfully.


A mark is not yet available


No Show - Used for certain modules which are not formally assessed to indicate that you did not attend and complete the module.

You cannot view individual essay or exam results on Campus Connect. If you’d like a further breakdown of your results or feedback please contact your School.

How do I work out my final average?

For the award of BA, BMus, BSc, BSc (Econ), BEng and LLB, the Final Average will be calculated to one decimal place as follows: 2nd Stage Average + 2x (final Stage Average) 3 (3)

For  the award of MSci and MEng, the Final Average will be calculated to one decimal place as follows: 2nd Stage Average + 2x (3rd + 4th Stage Averages)

Full details are available in the Undergraduate Regulations

Visiting Students

When will I get my results? 

Undergraduate students results will be published on 3 July 2024. through Campus Connect. See below - How can I view my results?

How can I view my results?

Your results will be available via Campus Connect. Detailed instructions are emailed to all students the day before results are released.

A step-by-step guide to viewing your results can be found here.

What do my results mean?

Each grade displayed is the final overall percentage that you’ve achieved for each course, this includes all exams or alternative assessments, coursework and practical assignments. 

You cannot view individual essay or exam results on Campus Connect. If you’d like a further breakdown of your results or feedback please contact your School.

Usually the grade will just be the percentage, but in some cases there may be a letter code in addition to, or in place of, the percentage mark:


Allowed – This is a Pass without a mark attached. It is used when you satisfied the examiners in the module, but either the assessment or marking could not be completed.


Completed – Used for certain modules which are not formally assessed to indicate that you attended and completed the module successfully.


Used for certain modules which are only assessed as Pass/Fail to indicate that you did not complete the module.


First Sit for Repeat / Resit – A mark has been determined but you are being given further attempt at the module because the original or the second attempt was not successfully completed due to Extenuating Circumstances.


First Sit - A mark has been determined but you are being given a second ‘first attempt’ at the module  because the original attempt was not successfully completed due to Extenuating Circumstances. The mark for this further attempt will not be capped.


Used for certain modules which are only assessed as Pass/Fail to indicate that you completed the module successfully.


A mark is not yet available


No Show - Used for certain modules which are not formally assessed to indicate that you did not attend and complete the module.


When will I get my results?

You will be able to view your results on Campus Connect after the School Award & Progression Board meeting which approves the results for your School:

Release of Interim Postgraduate Results (January & September Starting Students)

10:00am Thursday 25 July 2024

Release of MSc Social Work Results

10:00am Thursday 19 September 2024

Release of Interim Postgraduate Results (January Starting Students)

10.00am Thursday 31 October 2024

Release of Final Postgraduate Results (September Starting Students)

10.00am Thursday 31 October 2024

Release of Final Postgraduate Results (January Starting Students)

10.00am Thursday 20 Febuary 2025

How can I view my results?

Your results will be available via Campus Connect. Detailed instructions are emailed to all students the day before results are released.

A step-by-step guide to viewing your results can be found here

What do my results mean?

The outcome indicates whether or not you have progressed or been awarded your degree. If you have not currently progressed or been awarded you may be given the option to complete retakes in the courses you have failed. For further information please see Retaking Assessments

Your award information will include your degree classification and confirmation of the degree you have been awarded. Please note this will not include the final average percentage for your degree 

For your module marks each grade displayed is the final overall percentage that you’ve achieved for each module, this includes all exams or alternative assessments, coursework and practical assignments.  Usually the grade will just be the percentage, but in some cases there may be a letter code in addition to, or in place of, the percentage mark:


Allowed – This is a Pass without a mark attached. It is used when you satisfied the examiners in the module, but either the assessment or marking could not be completed.


Completed – Used for certain modules which are not formally assessed to indicate that you attended and completed the module successfully.


Deferred – You have been approved to defer assessment of the module to the next opportunity due to Extenuating Circumstances.


Exceptional Third Attempt – A mark has been determined but you are being given further attempt at the module because the second attempt was not successfully completed due to Extenuating Circumstances.


Used for certain modules which are only assessed as Pass/Fail to indicate that you did not complete the module.


Used for certain modules which are only assessed as Pass/Fail to indicate that you completed the module successfully.


A mark is not yet available


No Show - Used for certain modules which are not formally assessed to indicate that you did not attend and complete the module.


Uncapped Resit - A mark has been determined but you are being given further attempt at the module because the original attempt was not successfully completed due to Extenuating Circumstances.  The mark for this further attempt will not be capped.


Uncapped Exceptional Third Attempt - A mark has been determined but you are being given further attempt at the module because the original and/or second attempts were not successfully completed due to Extenuating Circumstances. The mark for this further attempt will not be capped.

You cannot view individual essay or exam results on Retaking Assessments. If you’d like a further breakdown of your results or feedback please contact your School.


Extenuating Circumstances

I submitted Extenuating Circumstances. Have these been taken into account? 

All students who submitted Extenuating Circumstances will be sent an e-mail on the day that results are released to confirm whether their ECs were accepted and, where appropriate, the action taken. 

One possible outcome is the granting of the First Sit or Uncapped Resit.  This would also be indicated via a code with your individual module marks on Campus Connect:


  • FS = First Sit
  • FR = First Sit for Resit/Repeat


  • ET – Exceptional Third Attempt
  • UR – Uncapped Resit
  • UT – Uncapped Third Attempt

Please see the above "What do my results mean?" and Retaking Assessments for an explanation of what each code means and further information on registereing for the retake. 

Please remember that even if your circumstances are accepted it may be deemed that no adjustments were possible or were deemed necessary in response to your extenuating circumstances, based on your results.

 Mark Queries & Appeals

I think my marks and/or outcome are wrong, what should I do?

If you think there’s been an error with your results then you should contact your School Helpdesk. They can check that you marks have been recorded correctly.

How can I appeal against my outcome or mark(s)?

If you think you have grounds for appealing your module marks or overall outcome then please carefully read the information and guidance on the Academic Appeals webpages.

Results Documentation

What documentation can I get as proof of my award?

You will be issued a transcript of results and a degree certificate.  The transcript of results will include your module marks, dates of attendance and award details. A degree certificate will confirm your award and classification.


I've finished my degree, when will I get a transcript of results?

A transcript of results will be sent to all successful students as soon as possible after the completion of their degree.  It is expected that these will be sent within 1 month of the release of results. If you require additional transcripts or proof of study documents these can be requested through the Student Services Centre.

Where can I see individual exam or coursework?

You cannot view individual essay or exam results on Campus Connect or on your Interim Transcript. If you’d like a further breakdown of your results or feedback please contact your School Helpdesk

I was expecting to complete my programme but now need retake assessments, can I get proof of this?

You will first need to have submitted your progression decision on Campus Connect and have been registered on your retake modules; for further information please see Retaking Assessments.

You will not regain access to your downloadable Student Status Certificate and Interim Transcript on Campus Connect but please contact the Student Services Centre for further advice.

I am part way through my degree and I need to retake assessments, can I get proof of this

You will first need to have submitted your progression decision on Campus Connect and have been registered on your retake modules; for further information please see Retaking Assessments.

If you are retaking assessments in the 2023/24 academic year (in the Summer Vacation Assessment Period), your Interim Transcript will update following you confirming your progression decision on Campus Connect and confirming the registration(s) with your department.

If you are retaking assessments next year (in 2024/25), following your confirmation of your progression decision on Campus Connect and confirming the registration(s) with your department, your retake registration will not appear until the start of the new academic year.

I am part-way through my degree – can I get a transcript?

For current students, an interim transcript of results can be accessed via Campus Connect. This shows the overall marks for all modules for which you have been entered for assessment and where the final module mark has been approved. For current academic year registrations where marks have not been formally approved yet this will show as ‘In Progress’.

Non-Finalist Undergraduate students will be able to access the interim transcript with the current year’s results after the results have been released on Campus Connect.

Postgraduate students will be able to access the interim transcript with their interim results from early August (this does not apply to January-starting students who are not provided with interim results).

When will I get my degree certificate?

Certificates will be dispatched after the award date 

Certificates for University of London Bachelors and Masters degrees are produced and dispatched by the Diploma Production Office at the University of London. Certificates for Royal Holloway awards such as diplomas and certificates, are produced and dispatched by Royal Holloway.

Please note, if you have an outstanding academic debt to the College at the time of your award, then you will not be issued with your degree certificate until the debt has been cleared.

Where will my documents be sent?

Transcripts and certificates will be sent to students' forwarding addresses as recorded on Campus Connect. Please make sure your address is up to date at the point that your results are published to ensure the documents are sent to the correct address.


Important Dates

Release of Undergraduate Results (Excluding Foundation Year)

Wednesday 3 July 2024

Release of Foundation Year Results

10:00am Thursday 25 July 2024

Release of Interim Postgraduate Results (January & September Starting Students)

10:00am Thursday 25 July 2024

Release of MSc Social Work Results

10:00 am Thursday 19 September 2024

Release of Interim Postgraduate Results (January Starting Students)

10.00am Thursday 31 October 2024

Release of Final Postgraduate Results (September Starting Students)

10.00am Thursday 31 October 2024

Release of Final Postgraduate Results (January Starting Students)

10.00am 20 February 2025



Support & Advice

Advice and support is available from a variety of sources in the College.

If you have further questions please contact your School or our Student Services Centre.

The Advice and Support Centre in the Student's Union also provides free and independent advice for all students.