Retaking AssessmentsImage goes here

Retaking Assessments

Students Retaking after receiving their 2023/24 Results 

If you didn’t get the results you wanted, don’t worry. Just because you failed a module it doesn’t necessarily mean that you cannot progress or be awarded your degree, and even if it does you may have the opportunity to retake courses. 

The first thing to do is to make sure you read your outcome in Campus Connect carefully, as this will outline the options that are available to you, including which type of retakes and when you can take them.

The below information should provide more detail about retakes but if you have any questions or need advice on what to do, make sure you contact your tutor in your Department.


What does Retake, Resit, Repeat and First-Sit mean?

Retake is the word for any type of further attempt; there are then several different forms of retakes:

  • Resit (not in attendance) – This means that you’ll have to retake any assessments that you have failed without having to attend any of the teaching again.  Resit marks are capped at the pass mark; 40% for Undergraduates and 50% for Postgraduates. For further information on resits please click here.
  • Repeat (in attendance) – This means that you must retake all of the module assessments and engage in all teaching for the module again.  Repeat marks are not capped. For further information on repeating, please click here.
  • First Sit (Undergraduates) / Uncapped Resit (Postgraduates) – This means that you can retake (or take if you didn’t complete them the first time) the assessments that were affected by approved extenuating circumstances. You cannot attend the teaching again. There is no cost associated to taking a First Sit or Uncapped Resit and the mark is not capped. For more information please click here.
  • Deferral of Assessment – This is where students have applied in advance of the assessment to defer the assessment and complete it at the next available opportunity as a result of extenuating circumstances.  Deferral marks are capped in line with the attempt that was deferred; so if a first attempt was deferred it would not be capped but if a resit (capped) was deferred the deferral would be capped.

When will retakes take place?

  • First Sits / Uncapped Resits:  It is expected that First Sits / Uncapped Resits are completed at the next available opportunity which may be in:

2024 Summer Vacation Assessment Period - SV-AP

Next academic year (2025 Summer Assessment Period - SU-AP )

If your progression outcome on campus connect does not tell you WHEN you are able to resit the assessment please check with your School.

The exception is for first year UG students who have progressed but have a module that they can retake; if they wish to retake this they will only be able to do so in the next academic year. 

  • Resits:  If you have failed a maximum of 30 credits (undergraduate) or 40 credits (postgraduate) you will have the option to complete resits in the Summer (or for January starting PGT Students - the Winter) Vacation Assessment Period. If you have failed more than 30 credits (undergraduate) or 40 credits (postgraduate) then you will have to wait to complete resits in the next academic year.
  • Repeats:  As repeats require students to engage in teaching activities these cannot take place until the next academic year.


Summer Vacation Assessment Period 2024

Key dates

UG Deadline for Registration: 24 July 2024
PGT Deadline for Registration: 1 August 2024
Coursework Assessments Available - TBC
Coursework Assessment Submission Deadlines - TBC


SV-AP Exams Period: 19 - 30 August 2024  (6 September for PGT)


UG Results Released: 12 September 2024
PGT Results Released: 31 October 2024



 Key Information on registering for and completing Summer Retakes

When is the Summer Vacation Assessment Period in 2024?

The Summer Vacation Assessment Period has been provisionally scheduled for Monday 19-30  August 2024. (PGT Online exams may extend until 6 Septmber) A timetable for the assessment period will be made available in mid-August following the registration of students onto the retakes. Online exams and deadlines for some schools may fall outside of this period and students will be notified as soon as these dates are confirmed; however these will be no earlier than Monday 13 August.

Am I eligible to take Summer Vacation Assessments and if so, which courses can I take Summer Assessments in?

Your progression outcome in Campus Connect will outline the options that are available to you, including what type of retakes you may take, if you are eligible to take these in the summer (or winter) and what you need to do next. 

Where students are eligible to take summer vacation assessments this will usually include any failed modules.  However, if you have any questions or need advice on what courses you can retake please discuss your options with your tutor in your Department.

It is important to remember that if you have not progressed you will not be able to do start your next year’s courses until you have completed, and passed, your retakes.  If you are unable to complete summer ( or winter) vacation assessments you will therefore then need to register for retakes in the  next academic year.

How do I register for Summer  Vacation Assessments?

You will only be able to register for summer assessments if you are eligible.  Your progression outcome in Campus Connect will outline the options that are available to you, including what type of retakes you may take, if you are eligible to take these in the summer and what you need to do next.  This will be different depending on your circumstances.

If you are eligible to take retakes in the summer, you must complete the Summer Vacation Assessment Application Form available to you through your progression outcome text on Campus Connect.  This form must be returned by Wednesday 24 July 2024 (undergraduates) and Thursday 1 August 2024 (postgraduates and IFY students) otherwise you will lose the opportunity to retake in the summer. Links to the application forms can be found at the top of this page under Quick Links.

Do I have to pay to resit ?

There is no charge for taking a Resit, First Sit, Uncapped Resit or Deferral of Assessment.

When will I get my results for the summer retakes?

Undergraduate: The date for the release of results for Summer Vacation Assessments in 2023/24 is 10:00am on Thursday 12 September on Campus Connect.

Students who pass their assessments and as a result are able to progress to the next year of study will be able to enrol for the 2024/25 Academic Year shortly after the release of results.

Students who do not pass should contact their School to discuss the options available to them.

Postgraduate Taught Summer Vacation Assessment Period results will be published with students’ final results and progression decision for the Academic Year in the autumn term.

College Regulations and Summer Vacation Assessment Guidance

  • Our College Regulations set out the guidelines that we expect all of our students to follow and what the consequences are if they’re not followed. When you started at the College you agreed to read, understand and abide by them.
  • The Summer Vacation Period Assessment Guidance for Students gives you important information about the regulations surrounding assessments and results at the College. Not knowing is not an excuse so it’s in your interest that you take the time to read and understand them.
  • The Results webpages include the key information on results including when and how module and degree results will be released to students and what to do if you need to retake. 
  • We know that events can occur which will impact your ability to complete assessments. Please see our Extensions and Extenuating Circumstances webpage for further information on these processes if you are impacted by illness or unforeseen circumstances.
  • The College takes allegations of academic misconduct very seriously. The Regulations on Academic Misconduct explains what an assessment offence is, how they are investigated and penalties which may be imposed.

Undergraduate Timetable


Not Yet Available

Postgraduate Timetable


Not Yet Available

Support and Advice for Students completing Summer Retakes

Academic Support

 Your School will be able to provide you with all the academic advice that you need including:

  • Advice on what modules and assessments you need to retake
  • What format the Summer retake assessment will take
  • Module-specific support for retakes - Information on the support available will be published on Moodle by 22 July

If you have any questions please contact your School Helpdesk who will be able to put you in touch with the correct person to advise you.

Academic Skills

Please see the CeDAS Academic Skills Moodle page for the range resources available to students in preparing for resits including workshops and1:1 support sessions.



Our Wellbeing teams are here to support you with your health and wellbeing and to help you have positive academic, personal and social experiences.  Advice and support is available in a variety of ways and for further information please see our Help & Support webpages.

Students Union

The Advice and Support Centre in the Student's Union provides free and independent advice for all students.



Retakes in the 2024/25 Academic Year

How do I register for retakes in 2024/25?

If you have been given the choice in your progression outcome on Campus Connect for 2024/25 retakes then please do the following:

AFTER SV-AP results published on 12 September 2024

  1. Submit your decision via email to by the deadline (23 September 2024)
  2. Contact your School to request that you are registered on the required courses

AFTER UG results published on 3 July 2024

  1. Submit your decision on Campus Connect by the deadline (24 July 2024) 
  2. Contact your School to request that you are registered on the required courses

You won’t be able to enrol for 2024/25 until you’ve completed these 2 steps. You’ll be able to access online sign-up from mid-August or the day after you have completed both of these steps.  If you have missed the deadline please contact your School immediately to confirm that you wish to continue your studies.

How do I submit my decision on Campus Connect?

To submit your progression decision, log into Campus Connect and click on the ‘My Progressions' card followed by 'View My Progression' then:

  • Read the information given to you on your progression web page
  • Select which option you would like by ticking the box next to the progression choice that you’ve made (underneath the progression text)
  • Click ‘Submit’

For students submitting decisions following publications of SV-AP resit results please email your decission to You will not be able to record your decision on Campus Connect

Do I have to pay to resit or repeat in 2024/25?

There is no charge for taking a Resit, First Sit, Uncapped Resit or Deferral of Assessment. There are however charges for Repeats. 

Fees vary according the course credit value and weighting of the course. Once you have been registered for your retakes (early September following your registration on your retakes) an invoice will be billed to your student account and this can be accessed through the Finance card on Campus Connect.

Support & Advice

Please see the CeDAS Academic Skills Moodle page for the range resources available to students in preparing for retakes including workshops and1:1 support sessions.

Our Wellbeing teams are here to support you with your health and wellbeing and to help you have positive academic, personal and social experiences.  Advice and support is avialble in a variety of ways and for further information please see our Help & Support webpages.

The Advice and Support Centre in the Student's Union provides free and independent advice for all students.


Quick Links

UG SV-AP Application to Resit/First Sit 

PGT SV-AP Application to Resit