All Royal Holloway students get a Royal Holloway email address. You can access your emails at any time by visiting All Royal Holloway email accounts come with 99GB of space.
Logging into your email
Your email address is usually in this format: [firstname].[lastname].(20XX), where 20XX is the year you started at Royal Holloway.
To log into your emails you will have to use your Microsoft Office 365 ID, which is your University username with ‘’ added at the end.
For example:
If Jane Holloway had a Royal Holloway email address it would be and she would log in to her emails by using
Your password stays the same across all University services, so you’ll use the same one to log in to your emails as you use for Moodle, Campus Connect, or CampusNet.
If you forget your password or want to change it, visit There is guidance on how to change your password here.
If you would like to add your email account to your mobile device or other email client, you should follow prompts to add an Exchange account.