What are my (Y:) and (W:) drives?


As a student you have access to drives known as the (Y:) and (W:) drives.

Your (Y:) drive is your personal space on the Royal Holloway network. Only you can access your (Y:) drive. It is associated with your username and will automatically appear on any lab or library PC that you use. Your (Y:) drive is accessible on your own devices, including your laptop, tablet or phone. You are strongly advised to save all work to this location. Should you accidentally delete something from your drive, it should be recoverable.

Your (W:) drive is where you can save all files that you want to be accessed via the internet. Remember:  Any file you place on your (W:) drive can be viewed by anybody over the Internet, and therefore the (W:) drive is not a secure storage area. If you do not want people to see particular files do not put them on your (W:) drive.

Your (Y:) and (W:) drives are automatically accessible when you log in to a College PC. On open access PCs you should never save anything to the (C:) drive as it will be deleted when you close down the PC. You should always save your work to your (Y:) and (W:) drives.

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