Jun 01 2023

I am writing to provide you with an update regarding the current national marking and assessment boycott as part of the University and College Union’s  action short of strike.

I understand this situation is raising concerns and uncertainty around what this means for your end of year results. Please be assured, as a University, we are committed to providing final module marks and outcomes where your course learning outcomes have been met.

Here are some key points to be aware of:

1. A set of Emergency Regulations has been written and approved, which will help the University determine module marks and outcomes as soon as possible. You can view these regulations on the student intranet here.

Guidance on what these regulations mean and a summary of the progression and award criteria for each group of students is also available on the student intranet here.  

2. To mitigate the impact on your results, we have made the difficult decision to delay the release of undergraduate results to Wednesday 5 July and stagger the release throughout the day:

  • Finalist students – 10am
  • Non-finalist students (Year 2, 3 and 4) – 12pm (midday)
  • Non-finalist students (Year 1) – 2pm

Foundation year and postgraduate results will be released as planned. More information can be found on the intranet here.

Any undergraduate students who are expecting to be awarded their degree this year, and have been invited to attend their summer graduation, are encouraged to still attend and take part in the ceremony.

If you are concerned or have any questions, you should, in the first instance, speak to your Personal Tutor, or your School Office. If your questions aren’t covered in the information we have shared above, please email industrialactionroyalholloway.ac.uk.

If you are an international student with any concerns, please get in touch with International Study Support

We sincerely apologise for the inconvenience of the action short of strike and appreciate your understanding and patience during this time. Our priority is to ensure you have the best student experience possible whilst you are here at Royal Holloway.


Matthew Humphreys

Interim Pro-Vice-Chancellor Education and Student Experience