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Internship Report (by Lena Blos - Network Intern [15 June - 14 September 2016])


I joined the UNESCO-UNEVOC team for 3-month position as a Network Intern, assisting with the information flow throughout the Arab states and improving the membership directory. Thanks to the Royal Holloway Travel Award, I was able to finance this unpaid internship opportunity and take on additional responsibilities in a variety of projects in the department.

UNESCO-UNEVOC is UNESCO's specialised TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) centre and has managed to establish a network of over 200 UNEVOC Centres around the globe, decentralised into 5 different regions. The Centre assists Member States develop policies and practices concerning education for the world of work and skills development for employability and citizenship, to achieve: access for all, high quality, relevant and effective programmes and learning opportunities throughout life.

At the start of the internship, my supervisor outlined the tasks and projects that would fall within my responsibility over the next 3 months. My position mainly related to the UNEVOC Network and in particular the Arab region, however during my time at the department, I was also able to assist and engage with other colleagues regarding a variety of projects. My original outline foresaw: updates of the statistical Network Report, research about the TVET Governance in the Arab States, assistance with the launch of the TVET Strategy Event, the UNEVOC Plaque dissemination, a review of the online directory (Arab States), preparation of the UNEVOC Leadership Programme Event alongside research about gender equity within the TVET programme.

Throughout the internship I was able to familiarise myself with a variety of basic office programs as well as gain insight into meetings and the daily workings of an international organisation. I benefitted from the professional etiquette of my supervisor, enabling me to take on a more nuanced approach towards professionalism and approachability.

Interactions with numerous colleagues allowed me to gain insight into a variety of tasks and understand the administrative, logistic and organisational aspects of office environments as well as participate in research-oriented projects and event planning.

I believe that I was able to follow a strong learning curve, which not only resulted in the acquisition of work-related knowledge but also in an enhanced confidence and ability to represent myself in a working environment in an appropriate manner, with self-assurance but also humility.

Following my initial preparation for the interview, I spent an extensive amount of time familiarising myself with the working and the history of the UNEVOC Centre. Due to my fortunate timing, I was able to participate in conferences as well as greet visitors, allowing me to establish the relevance and challenges of UNEVOC within a wider context. Through the professional help of my colleagues, I was able to understand the detailed work requirements and problematic of managing such a vast Network and was often times impressed and intrigued by the skills necessary to administer such a system. I believe that UNEVOC has developed progressively over the last years, but continues to face challenges in order to provide an effective and relevant system. However, it is also my opinion that changing workforces and developments around the globe will serve to promote its cause as well as the dedication and talent of its staff.

Regarding my contact with other colleagues, I could not have wished for a more engaging and interesting team. I was welcomed warmly and immediately integrated as part of the team, often leading me to feel less like an intern but more as a valuable and equal member of the UNEVOC department. I highly valued the possibility of engaging with other colleagues beyond my set internship duty, allowing me to become involved in several projects and seek advice as well as inspiration for my own studies.

I want to thank UNESCO-UNEVOC for granting me the opportunity of interning at the International Centre in Bonn, as well as Santander and Royal Holloway for supporting me and allowing me to develop my skills and knowledge.