IT FAQ home Keyword(s) What is Eduroam and how do I use it? I'm about to graduate – how can I save my email data? What are my (Y:) and (W:) drives? What email clients are supported at Royal Holloway? How can I access large format printing? How do I access MyView? Why won't the VPN connect? It tells me it's connecting, but then doesn't. What do I do if I don't have a mobile phone or have a very old model? Software - Which software is installed on lab PCs? What do I do if I have opened an infected email attachment or clicked on spam? Can I print to the Royal Holloway printers from home? How do I install SPSS? How do I restore documents to my network drives? What's included in Office 365 for Royal Holloway students? What are randomized MAC addresses? How can I access Campus Connect now that it's been updated? My preferred authentication method of security methods isn't an option for my default method, what's going on? Can I get Office 365 and Microsoft Teams for free? How do I deal with spam email? How can I install EndNote? What is Moodle? How can I use generative AI in my studies? Can I print single/double sided on the College printers? Why am I being asked to re-register my device to CampusNet? What IT support is there for disabled students? Displaying 1 to 25 of 65 Previous 1 2 3 Next Contact us itservicedesk AT 01784 41 4321 More IT Support. Back to the IT Homepage.