Oct 11 2023

This month sees the start of the national Festival of Social Science 2023 (21 October to 17 November) which will feature five events run by academics from the School of Law and Social Sciences.

The festival aims to celebrate research about humans and society and is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC). This year events will celebrate the 75th anniversary of the NHS and focus on the theme of lifelong wellbeing. There will be over 200 free in-person and online events for you to get involve in delivered by 42 universities across the country including Royal Holloway.

Find out more and sign up for our upcoming events below.

Co-POWeR: creating spaces of safety and belonging for Black and Asian young people

Tuesday 31 October at 3-6pm in Senate House (London).

A film-showing and workshop held by Professor Anna Gupta exploring the importance of community-based youth services, including sporting clubs, for the promotion of wellbeing for racially minoritised young people.

Find out more and reserve your spot.

Is it a crime to Protest?

Wednesday 1 November at 11am - 15.30pm in Lecture Theatre 1, Arts Building.

Dr Matt Clement asks "is it a crime to protest?" at a workshop bringing together members of the public, young people, students, academics, practitioners and activists working in the field of law and justice to discuss views on police-public relations in the UK. 

Find out more and reserve your spot.

Stories of Women in Academia

Tuesday 7 November at 9.30-11.30am - online

Dr Amy Bonsall will be sharing stories of ten women academics who will talk about their routes into academia, challenges, successes, what drives them and how they manage their work-life balance.

This talk which is open to schools and young people over the age of14 - there is no upper age limit all adults are welcome.

If you'd like to register please email Dr Amy Bonsall.